Merge branch 'docker_config'

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Mathieu Jaumotte 2021-02-25 18:51:47 +01:00
commit 15ca4a0cf5
1 changed files with 44 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1,56 +1,19 @@
Docker environment for a Symfony5 project Environnement de développement Docker pour démarrer un nouveau projet Symfony5
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# Présentation (français) # Présentation
Ce repository propose une configuration qui permet de démarrer très simplement un nouveau projet Symfony dans des conteneurs docker. Cette configuration doit encore être améliorée, mais déjà, en suivant pas à pas les instructions à partir du chapitre "My installation", on peut démarrer en quelques minutes un nouveau projet. L'objectif de ce dépôt est de proposer et de faire évoluer une configuration de départ pour démarrer très simplement un nouveau projet Symfony dans des conteneurs Docker.
En suivant pas-à-pas les instructions à partir du chapitre "Installation", on peut démarrer en quelques minutes un nouveau projet.
Le dépôt utilise plusieurs branches qui peuvent être utilisée selon le point de départ recherché:
1. la branche `docker_config` fournit juste le docker-compose.yml et les Dockerfile qui permettent de construire les conteneurs ;
2. la branche `master` fournit la structure de départ du projet Symfony ;
3. la branche `with_vujs` permet de démarrer le projet en complémentarité du framework Javascript VueJS ;
# Add to your project # Installation
Move the `docker-compose.yml` and the folder named `docker_build` containing nginx and php-fpm config for it to the root of your Symfony project.
Ensure the webserver config on `docker\nginx.conf` is correct for your project. For instance, for Symfony 4 or 5 it should look for the `public/index.php`, instead of the `web/app.php` from Symfony2 and Symfony3
Note: you may place the files elsewhere in your project. Make sure you modify the locations for the php-fpm dockerfile, the php.ini overrides and nginx config on `docker-compose.yml` if you do so.
# How to run
* Docker engine v1.13 or higher. Your OS provided package might be a little old, if you encounter problems, do upgrade. See [](
* Docker compose v1.12 or higher. See [](
Once you're done, simply `cd` to your project and run `docker-compose up -d`. This will initialise and start all the containers, then leave them running in the background.
# Docker compose cheatsheet
**Note:** you need to cd first to where your docker-compose.yml file lives.
* Start containers in the background: `docker-compose up -d`
* Start containers on the foreground: `docker-compose up`. You will see a stream of logs for every container running.
* Stop containers: `docker-compose stop`
* Kill containers: `docker-compose kill`
* View container logs: `docker-compose logs`
* Execute command inside of container: `docker-compose exec SERVICE_NAME COMMAND` where `COMMAND` is whatever you want to run. Examples:
* Shell into the PHP container, `docker-compose exec --user 1000 php bash`
* Run symfony console, `docker-compose exec --user 1000 php bin/console`
* Open a postgresql shell, `docker-compose exec --user postgres db psql`
* or if user is not postgres: `docker-compose exec db psql --user admin postgres`
# Docker general cheatsheet
**Note:** these are global commands and you can run them from anywhere.
* To clear containers: `docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)`
* To clear images: `docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)`
* To clear volumes: `docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)`
* To clear networks: `docker network rm $(docker network ls | tail -n+2 | awk '{if($2 !~ /bridge|none|host/){ print $1 }}')`
Disclaimer: This project has been generated on
# My installation
* Build containers: `docker-compose build` * Build containers: `docker-compose build`
* Run containers: `docker-compose up -d` * Run containers: `docker-compose up -d`
@ -80,9 +43,9 @@ Disclaimer: This project has been generated on
* Test psql connection: `psql --host db --user postgres --password postgres` * Test psql connection: `psql --host db --user postgres --password postgres`
* Create database schema: `bin/console doctrine:schema:create` * Create database schema: `bin/console doctrine:schema:create`
## Let's go ! ## C'est parti !
* Let's create first object: * Créons un premier objet:
* Create entity: `bin/console make:entity Beer` * Create entity: `bin/console make:entity Beer`
* Create CRUD on entity: `bin/console make:crud Beer` * Create CRUD on entity: `bin/console make:crud Beer`
* See sql: `bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql` * See sql: `bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql`
@ -91,6 +54,7 @@ Disclaimer: This project has been generated on
* See migration file: `cat migrations/Version20210218160541.php ` * See migration file: `cat migrations/Version20210218160541.php `
* Migrate: `bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate` * Migrate: `bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate`
* Control migrations: `bin/console doctrine:migrations:status` * Control migrations: `bin/console doctrine:migrations:status`
* ...
## Yarn ## Yarn
@ -101,8 +65,37 @@ Disclaimer: This project has been generated on
* `npm install yarn` * `npm install yarn`
* `npm install --force` * `npm install --force`
* puis je lance (ce qu'il faudra faire à chaque fois): * puis je lance (ce qu'il faudra faire à chaque fois):
* `yarn encore dev-server` * `yarn encore dev`
## Sass ## Sass
* dans le container node, installation de sass: `npm install sass-loader@^11.0.0 sass --save-dev` * dans le container node, installation de sass: `npm install sass-loader@^11.0.0 sass --save-dev`
# Docker compose cheatsheet
**Note:** you need to cd first to where your docker-compose.yml file lives.
* Start containers in the background: `docker-compose up -d`
* Start containers on the foreground: `docker-compose up`. You will see a stream of logs for every container running.
* Stop containers: `docker-compose stop`
* Kill containers: `docker-compose kill`
* View container logs: `docker-compose logs`
* Execute command inside of container: `docker-compose exec SERVICE_NAME COMMAND` where `COMMAND` is whatever you want to run. Examples:
* Shell into the PHP container, `docker-compose exec --user 1000 php bash`
* Run symfony console, `docker-compose exec --user 1000 php bin/console`
* Open a postgresql shell, `docker-compose exec --user postgres db psql`
* or if user is not postgres: `docker-compose exec db psql --user admin postgres`
# Docker general cheatsheet
**Note:** these are global commands and you can run them from anywhere.
* To clear containers: `docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)`
* To clear images: `docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)`
* To clear volumes: `docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)`
* To clear networks: `docker network rm $(docker network ls | tail -n+2 | awk '{if($2 !~ /bridge|none|host/){ print $1 }}')`