
541 lines
33 KiB

-- version v0.6 (== version canevas)
-- Avant de migrer (UP), il faut d'abord avoir importé les codes postaux !!!
-- 1. Adjust Type cast for id columns
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ALTER COLUMN id TYPE INTEGER USING (id::integer);
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ALTER COLUMN id TYPE INTEGER USING (id::integer);
-- UP
-- 2. Copy date columns with right date type
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN birthdate1 DATE; UPDATE import.personnes SET birthdate1 = to_date(birthdate,'DD/MM/YYYY') WHERE birthdate != '';
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN deathdate1 DATE; UPDATE import.personnes SET deathdate1 = to_date(deathdate,'DD/MM/YYYY') WHERE deathdate != '';
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN validfrom1 DATE; UPDATE import.personnes SET validfrom1 = to_date(validfrom,'DD/MM/YYYY') WHERE validfrom != '';
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN household_startdate1 DATE; UPDATE import.personnes SET household_startdate1 = to_date(household_startdate,'DD/MM/YYYY') WHERE household_startdate != '';
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD COLUMN openingdate1 DATE; UPDATE import.periodes SET openingdate1 = to_date(openingdate::text,'DD/MM/YYYY') WHERE openingdate != '';
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD COLUMN closingdate1 DATE; UPDATE import.periodes SET closingdate1 = to_date(closingdate,'DD/MM/YYYY') WHERE closingdate != '';
-- 3. Complete table Civility
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes ADD COLUMN civility1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_personnes SET civility1=json_build_object('fr', trim(civility)) WHERE civility!='';
WITH max_ordering AS ( SELECT MAX(ordering) as max_ordering FROM chill_main_civility )
INSERT INTO chill_main_civility (id, name, abbreviation, active, ordering)
SELECT nextval('chill_main_civility_id_seq'),
t.civility1, t.civility1, true,
max_ordering.max_ordering + row_number() OVER () as ordering
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (civility) civility1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE civility1 IS NOT NULL ) t
CROSS JOIN max_ordering
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_main_civility WHERE name::jsonb->>'fr' = t.civility1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 4. Complete table Country
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes ADD COLUMN country1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_personnes SET country1=json_build_object('fr', trim(country)) WHERE country!='';
INSERT INTO country (id, name, countrycode)
SELECT nextval('country_id_seq'), t.country1, 'ZZ'
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (country) country1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE country1 IS NOT NULL ) t
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM country WHERE name::jsonb->>'fr' = t.country1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 5. Complete table marital_status
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes ADD COLUMN maritalstatus1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_personnes SET maritalstatus1=json_build_object('fr', trim(maritalstatus)) WHERE maritalstatus!='';
INSERT INTO chill_person_marital_status (id, name)
SELECT substr(md5(random()::text), 1, 7), t.maritalstatus1
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (maritalstatus) maritalstatus1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE maritalstatus1 IS NOT NULL ) t
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_person_marital_status WHERE name::jsonb->>'fr' = t.maritalstatus1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 6. Complete table household_composition_type
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes ADD COLUMN household_composition_type1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_personnes SET household_composition_type1=json_build_object('fr', trim(household_composition_type)) WHERE household_composition_type!='';
INSERT INTO chill_person_household_composition_type (id, active, label)
SELECT nextval('chill_person_household_composition_type_id_seq'), true, t.household_composition_type1
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (household_composition_type) household_composition_type1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE household_composition_type1 IS NOT NULL ) t
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_person_household_composition_type WHERE label::jsonb->>'fr' = t.household_composition_type1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 7. Complete table household_position
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes ADD COLUMN household_position1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_personnes SET household_position1=json_build_object('fr', trim(household_position)) WHERE household_position!='';
WITH max_ordering AS ( SELECT MAX(ordering) as max_ordering FROM chill_person_household_position )
INSERT INTO chill_person_household_position (id, label, sharehousehold, allowholder, ordering)
nextval('chill_person_household_position_id_seq'), t.household_position1, true, false,
max_ordering.max_ordering + row_number() OVER () as ordering
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (household_position) household_position1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE household_position1 IS NOT NULL ) t
CROSS JOIN max_ordering
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_person_household_position WHERE label::jsonb->>'fr' = t.household_position1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 8. Complete table accompanying_period_closingmotive
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes ADD COLUMN closingmotive1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_periodes SET closingmotive1=json_build_object('fr', trim(closingmotive)) WHERE closingmotive!='';
WITH max_ordering AS ( SELECT MAX(ordering) as max_ordering FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive )
INSERT INTO chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive (id, name, active, parent_id, ordering)
SELECT nextval('chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive_id_seq'),
t.closingmotive1, true, null,
max_ordering.max_ordering + row_number() OVER () as ordering
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (closingmotive) closingmotive1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE closingmotive1 IS NOT NULL ) t
CROSS JOIN max_ordering
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive WHERE name::jsonb->>'fr' = t.closingmotive1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 9. Complete table accompanying_period_origin
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes ADD COLUMN origin1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_periodes SET origin1=json_build_object('fr', trim(origin)) WHERE origin!='';
INSERT INTO chill_person_accompanying_period_origin (id, label, noactiveafter)
SELECT nextval('chill_person_accompanying_period_origin_id_seq'), t.origin1, null
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (origin) origin1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE origin1 IS NOT NULL ) t
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_origin WHERE label::jsonb->>'fr' = t.origin1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 10. Complete table user_job
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes ADD COLUMN job1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_periodes SET job1=json_build_object('fr', trim(job)) WHERE job!='';
INSERT INTO chill_main_user_job (id, label, active)
SELECT nextval('chill_main_user_job_id_seq'), t.job1, true
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (job) job1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE job1 IS NOT NULL ) t
WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM chill_main_user_job WHERE label::jsonb->>'fr' = t.job1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- 11. Complete table Scopes
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes ADD COLUMN acp_scopes1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.choix_periodes SET acp_scopes1=json_build_object('fr', trim(acp_scopes)) WHERE acp_scopes!='';
INSERT INTO scopes (id, name, active)
SELECT nextval('scopes_id_seq'), t.acp_scopes1, true
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (acp_scopes) acp_scopes1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE acp_scopes1 IS NOT NULL ) t
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM scopes WHERE name::jsonb->>'fr' = t.acp_scopes1::jsonb->>'fr' );
-- SELECT i.acp_scopes1::jsonb, FROM scopes s LEFT JOIN import.choix_periodes i ON = i.acp_scopes1::jsonb WHERE IS NOT NULL or i.acp_scopes1 IS NOT NULL ;
-- 12. Complete table Users (acp referrer)
INSERT INTO users (id, username, password, enabled, locked, attributes, label)
SELECT nextval('users_id_seq'), t.referrer, '', false, false, '[]', t.referrer
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (referrer) referrer FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE referrer <> '') t
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE username::text = t.referrer );
-- SELECT * FROM users;
-- 13. Complete table SocialIssues
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes ADD COLUMN parent1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.choix_periodes SET parent1=json_build_object('fr', upper(trim(parent))) WHERE parent !='';
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes ADD COLUMN enfant1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.choix_periodes SET enfant1=json_build_object('fr', upper(trim(enfant))) WHERE enfant !='';
WITH max_ordering AS ( SELECT MAX(ordering) as max_ordering FROM chill_person_social_issue )
INSERT INTO chill_person_social_issue (id, parent_id, title, ordering)
SELECT nextval('chill_person_social_issue_id_seq'),
null, t.parent1,
max_ordering.max_ordering + row_number() OVER () as ordering
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (parent) parent1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE parent1 IS NOT NULL ) t
CROSS JOIN max_ordering
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_person_social_issue WHERE title::jsonb->>'fr' = t.parent1::jsonb->>'fr' );
WITH max_ordering AS ( SELECT MAX(ordering) as max_ordering FROM chill_person_social_issue )
INSERT INTO chill_person_social_issue (id, parent_id, title, ordering)
SELECT nextval('chill_person_social_issue_id_seq'),
( SELECT id FROM chill_person_social_issue WHERE parent_id IS NULL AND title::jsonb->>'fr' = t.parent1::jsonb->>'fr' ), t.enfant1,
max_ordering.max_ordering + row_number() OVER () as ordering
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (acp_socialissues) parent1, enfant1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE enfant1 IS NOT NULL ) t
CROSS JOIN max_ordering
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM chill_person_social_issue
WHERE title::jsonb->>'fr' = t.enfant1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND parent_id = (SELECT id FROM chill_person_social_issue WHERE title::jsonb->>'fr' = t.parent1::jsonb->>'fr'));
-- 14. Complete table WorkSocialActions
-- (not yet implemented in canvas)
-- 20. Prepare personnes civility
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN civility1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.personnes SET civility1=json_build_object('fr', trim(civility)) WHERE civility!='';
-- SELECT i.civility, as civility_name, as civility_id FROM import.personnes i JOIN chill_main_civility c ON i.civility1::jsonb =;
-- 21. Prepare personnes gender
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN gender1 VARCHAR;
UPDATE import.personnes SET gender1 = CASE
WHEN trim(gender) IN ('Femme', 'femme', 'Woman', 'woman', 'Female', 'female') THEN 'woman'
WHEN trim(gender) IN ('Homme', 'homme', 'Man', 'man', 'Male', 'male') THEN 'man'
WHEN trim(gender) IN ('', 'Inconnu', 'inconnu', 'Unknown', 'unknown') THEN 'unknown'
ELSE 'both' END;
-- 22. Prepare personnes nationality
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN nationality1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.personnes SET nationality1=json_build_object('fr', trim(nationality)) WHERE nationality!='';
-- SELECT i.nationality, as country_name, as country_id FROM import.personnes i JOIN country c ON i.nationality1::jsonb =;
-- 23. Prepare personnes countryofbirth
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN countryofbirth1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.personnes SET countryofbirth1=json_build_object('fr', trim(countryofbirth)) WHERE countryofbirth!='';
-- SELECT i.countryofbirth, as country_name, as country_id FROM import.personnes i JOIN country c ON i.countryofbirth1::jsonb =;
-- 24. Prepare personnes maritalstatus
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN maritalstatus1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.personnes SET maritalstatus1=json_build_object('fr', trim(maritalstatus)) WHERE maritalstatus!='';
-- SELECT i.maritalstatus, as maritalstatus_name, as maritalstatus_id FROM import.personnes i JOIN chill_person_marital_status ms ON i.maritalstatus1::jsonb =;
-- 25. Prepare personnes numberofchildren
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN numberofchildren1 integer;
UPDATE import.personnes SET numberofchildren1=NULLIF(numberofchildren, '')::int;
-- SELECT numberofchildren, numberofchildren1 FROM import.personnes;
-- 26. Prepare personnes household_composition_type
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN household_composition_type1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.personnes SET household_composition_type1=json_build_object('fr', trim(household_composition_type)) WHERE household_composition_type!='';
-- SELECT i.household_composition_type, as household_compo_type_id, cphct.label as household_compo_type_label FROM import.personnes i JOIN chill_person_household_composition_type cphct ON i.household_composition_type1::jsonb = cphct.label::jsonb;
-- 27. Prepare personnes household_position
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD COLUMN household_position1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.personnes SET household_position1=json_build_object('fr', trim(household_position)) WHERE household_position!='';
-- SELECT i.household_position, hp.label as household_position_label, as household_position_id FROM import.personnes i JOIN chill_person_household_position hp ON i.household_position1::jsonb = hp.label::jsonb;
-- 28. Prepare periodes closingmotive
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD COLUMN closingmotive1 JSONB;
UPDATE import.periodes SET closingmotive1=json_build_object('fr', trim(closingmotive)) WHERE closingmotive!='';
-- SELECT i.closingmotive1, as closingmotive_id, as closingmotive_name FROM import.periodes i JOIN chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive cm ON i.closingmotive1::jsonb =;
-- 29. Prepare periodes origin
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD COLUMN origin1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.periodes SET origin1=json_build_object('fr', trim(origin)) WHERE origin!='';
-- SELECT i.origin1, as origin_id, o.label as origin_label FROM import.periodes i JOIN chill_person_accompanying_period_origin o ON i.origin1::jsonb = o.label::jsonb;
-- 30. Prepare periodes job
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD COLUMN job1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.periodes SET job1=json_build_object('fr', trim(job)) WHERE job!='';
-- SELECT i.job1, as job_id, o.label as job_label FROM import.periodes i JOIN chill_main_user_job o ON i.job1::jsonb = o.label::jsonb;
-- 31. Prepare periodes acp_scopes
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD COLUMN acp_scopes1 jsonb;
UPDATE import.periodes SET acp_scopes1=json_build_object('fr', trim(acp_scopes)) WHERE acp_scopes!='';
-- SELECT i.acp_scopes1, as scopes_id, as scopes_name FROM import.periodes i JOIN scopes s ON i.acp_scopes1::jsonb =;
-- 32. Prepare periodes intensity
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD COLUMN intensity1 text;
UPDATE import.periodes SET intensity1='occasional'; UPDATE import.periodes SET intensity1='regular' WHERE intensity='regular';
-- 33-34. Format phones numbers
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD column mobilenumber1 text;
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD column phonenumber1 text;
DO $$
intl text := 32;
-- 33. Format mobile numbers
UPDATE import.personnes SET mobilenumber1=NULLIF(regexp_replace(mobilenumber, '[^0-9]', '', 'g'), ''); -- remove all NaN chars
UPDATE import.personnes SET mobilenumber1 = CASE -- remove intl prefix
WHEN LEFT(mobilenumber1, 2) = '00' THEN substr(mobilenumber1, 5, length(mobilenumber1) - 4)
WHEN LEFT(mobilenumber1, 2) = intl THEN substr(mobilenumber1, 3, length(mobilenumber1) - 2)
ELSE regexp_replace(mobilenumber1, '^0', '') -- remove first 0 prefix
UPDATE import.personnes SET mobilenumber1=regexp_replace(mobilenumber1, '(.*)', '+' || intl || '\1'); -- add intl prefix
-- 34. Format phone numbers
UPDATE import.personnes SET phonenumber1=NULLIF(regexp_replace(phonenumber, '[^0-9]', '', 'g'), ''); -- remove all NaN chars
UPDATE import.personnes SET phonenumber1 = CASE -- remove intl prefix
WHEN LEFT(phonenumber1, 2) = '00' THEN substr(phonenumber1, 5, length(phonenumber1) - 4)
WHEN LEFT(phonenumber1, 2) = intl THEN substr(phonenumber1, 3, length(phonenumber1) - 2)
ELSE regexp_replace(phonenumber1, '^0', '') -- remove first 0 prefix
UPDATE import.personnes SET phonenumber1=regexp_replace(phonenumber1, '(.*)', '+' || intl || '\1'); -- add intl prefix
--SELECT mobilenumber, mobilenumber1, phonenumber, phonenumber1 FROM import.personnes ORDER BY id;
END $$;
-- 40. Prepare id mapping before insertion
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD column person_id BIGINT;
UPDATE import.personnes SET person_id=personid
FROM (SELECT id, nextval('chill_person_person_id_seq') AS personid FROM import.personnes ORDER BY id) AS t
-- 41. Insert in chill_person_person
INSERT INTO chill_person_person (
, nationality_id, countryofbirth_id, civility_id, maritalstatus_id
, firstname, lastname, birthdate, place_of_birth, memo, email, contactinfo, phonenumber, mobilenumber, numberofchildren, gender, deathdate, proxyaccompanyingperiodopenstate
, createdat, updatedat, createdby_id, updatedby_id
, center_id
, gendercomment_comment, gendercomment_userid, gendercomment_date
, maritalstatusdate
, maritalstatuscomment_comment, maritalstatuscomment_userid, maritalstatuscomment_date
, acceptsms, acceptemail
person_id -- id
, (SELECT FROM country c WHERE>>'fr' = ip.nationality1::jsonb->>'fr' AND ip.nationality1 IS NOT NULL) -- nationality_id,
, (SELECT FROM country c WHERE>>'fr' = ip.countryofbirth1::jsonb->>'fr' AND ip.countryofbirth1 IS NOT NULL ) -- countryofbirth_id,
, (SELECT FROM chill_main_civility c WHERE>>'fr' = ip.civility1::jsonb->>'fr' AND ip.civility1 IS NOT NULL ) -- civility_id
, (SELECT FROM chill_person_marital_status ms WHERE>>'fr' = ip.maritalstatus1::jsonb->>'fr' AND ip.maritalstatus1 IS NOT NULL ) -- maritalstatus_id,
, TRIM(firstname), UPPER(TRIM(lastname)), birthdate1, TRIM(place_of_birth), TRIM(memo), TRIM(email), TRIM(contactinfo), phonenumber1, mobilenumber1, numberofchildren1, gender1, deathdate1, false
, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE -- createdat, updatedat (= import date)
, (SELECT distinct(first_value(id) OVER(ORDER BY id)) FROM users), (SELECT distinct(first_value(id) OVER(ORDER BY id)) FROM users) -- createdby_id, updatedby_id
, (SELECT distinct(first_value(id) OVER(ORDER BY id)) FROM centers) -- center_id
, TRIM(gendercomment), (SELECT distinct(first_value(id) OVER(ORDER BY id)) FROM users), date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE)) --gendercomment_<comment|userid|date>
, -- maritalstatusdate
, -- maritalstatuscomment_comment, maritalstatuscomment_userid, maritalstatuscomment_date
, -- acceptsms, acceptemail
FROM import.personnes ip;
SELECT setval('chill_person_person_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id)) FROM chill_person_person));
-- 42. Fill Person center history
INSERT INTO chill_person_person_center_history (id, person_id, center_id, startdate) SELECT
nextval('chill_person_person_center_history_id_seq'), person_id,
(SELECT distinct(first_value(id) OVER(ORDER BY id)) FROM centers) , -- center_id
date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE))
FROM import.personnes ip;
-- SELECT, ip.lastname, ip.firstname, ip.person_id,, hist.person_id, hist.center_id, hist.startdate,, p.fullnamecanonical, FROM chill_person_person p RIGHT JOIN import.personnes ip ON ip.person_id = FULL JOIN chill_person_person_center_history hist on = hist.person_id ORDER BY ip.person_id;
-- 43. Add address, and link it to person
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD column address_id BIGINT;
UPDATE import.personnes SET address_id = nextval('chill_main_address_id_seq');
ALTER TABLE import.personnes ADD column postcode_id BIGINT;
UPDATE import.personnes SET postcode_id = FROM chill_main_postal_code pc WHERE pc.code = postcode AND pc.origin = 0;
INSERT INTO chill_main_address (id, postcode_id, street, streetnumber, extra, validFrom) SELECT
address_id, postcode_id, street, streetnumber, extra, COALESCE(validfrom1 , date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE)))
FROM import.personnes WHERE postcode_id IS NOT NULL;
SELECT setval('chill_main_address_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id)) FROM chill_main_address));
-- SELECT ip.person_id, ip.address_id FROM import.personnes ip ;
-- SELECT, ip.person_id, ip.firstname, ip.lastname, addr.* FROM chill_main_address addr RIGHT JOIN import.personnes ip ON = ip.address_id ORDER BY;
-- 44. Add houshold and household member with position
INSERT INTO chill_person_household (id) SELECT person_id from import.personnes;
SELECT setval('chill_person_household_id_seq', (SELECT max(id) FROM chill_person_household));
INSERT INTO chill_person_household_members (id, person_id, household_id, startdate, sharedhousehold, position_id, holder) SELECT
nextval('chill_person_household_members_id_seq'), person_id, person_id, COALESCE(household_startdate1, date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE))),
true, (SELECT id FROM chill_person_household_position pos WHERE household_position1::jsonb->>'fr' = pos.label::jsonb->>'fr'), false
FROM import.personnes;
-- SELECT, ip.person_id, ip.firstname, ip.lastname, hh.* FROM chill_person_household hh FULL JOIN import.personnes ip ON = ip.person_id ORDER BY;
-- SELECT, ip.person_id, ip.firstname, ip.lastname, memb.* FROM chill_person_household_members memb JOIN import.personnes ip ON memb.household_id = ip.person_id ORDER BY memb.household_id;
-- 45. Link address to household
INSERT INTO chill_person_household_to_addresses (household_id, address_id) SELECT person_id, address_id
FROM import.personnes WHERE postcode_id IS NOT NULL; -- cfr (*) adresse insérées seulement si postcode
-- 46. Add household composition
INSERT INTO chill_person_household_composition (id, household_id, startdate, householdcompositiontype_id) SELECT
nextval('chill_person_household_composition_id_seq'), person_id AS household_id, date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE))
, (SELECT id FROM chill_person_household_composition_type ct WHERE household_composition_type1::jsonb->>'fr' = ct.label::jsonb->>'fr')
FROM import.personnes
WHERE household_composition_type1 IS NOT NULL ;
-- 50. Prepare id mapping before insertion
ALTER TABLE import.periodes ADD column period_id BIGINT;
UPDATE import.periodes SET period_id = periodid
FROM (SELECT id, nextval('chill_person_accompanying_period_id_seq') AS periodid FROM import.periodes ORDER BY id) AS t
--SELECT, ipe.fullname, ipe.period_id,, ip.person_id FROM import.periodes ipe JOIN import.personnes ip ON = ORDER BY;
-- 51. Insert in chill_person_accompanying_period
INSERT INTO chill_person_accompanying_period (id, openingdate, step, remark, intensity, createdby_id, createdat, updatedby_id, updatedat) SELECT
period_id, date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE)), 'CONFIRMED', COALESCE(TRIM(remark), ''), intensity1,
(SELECT distinct(first_value(id) OVER(ORDER BY id)) FROM users), CURRENT_DATE,
(SELECT distinct(first_value(id) OVER(ORDER BY id)) FROM users), CURRENT_DATE
FROM import.periodes;
SELECT setval('chill_person_accompanying_period_id_seq', (SELECT max(id) FROM chill_person_accompanying_period));
-- 52. Link participations to periods
INSERT INTO chill_person_accompanying_period_participation (id, person_id, accompanyingperiod_id, startdate) SELECT
nextval('chill_person_accompanying_period_participation_id_seq'), t.person_id, t.period_id, date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE))
FROM (SELECT person_id, period_id FROM import.periodes ip JOIN import.personnes p ON = ORDER BY person_id) AS t;
-- 53. Prepare temporary address location
INSERT INTO chill_main_address (id, postcode_id, street, streetnumber, validFrom) SELECT
(SELECT FROM chill_main_postal_code pc WHERE pc.code = postcode),
street, streetnumber, date(date_trunc('year', CURRENT_DATE))
FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE street != '';
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes ADD COLUMN address_location_id BIGINT;
UPDATE import.choix_periodes SET address_location_id = (SELECT max(id) FROM chill_main_address) WHERE street != '';
-- 54. Link period to person or temporary address location
UPDATE chill_person_accompanying_period acp
SET addresslocation_id = (SELECT address_location_id FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE address_location_id IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1)
FROM import.personnes pson JOIN import.periodes piod ON =
WHERE piod.period_id = AND piod.addresslocation = 'oui';
UPDATE chill_person_accompanying_period acp
SET personlocation_id = pson.person_id
FROM import.personnes pson JOIN import.periodes piod ON =
WHERE piod.period_id = AND piod.personlocation = 'oui';
-- ========================================================================================= --
-- Undo 54.
UPDATE chill_person_accompanying_period acp SET addresslocation_id = NULL, personlocation_id = NULL FROM import.periodes piod WHERE piod.period_id =;
-- Undo 53.
DELETE FROM chill_main_address addr USING import.choix_periodes ic WHERE = ic.address_location_id;
SELECT setval('chill_main_address_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id), 1) FROM chill_main_address));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes DROP COLUMN address_location_id;
-- Undo 52.
DELETE FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_participation part USING import.periodes ip WHERE part.accompanyingperiod_id = ip.period_id;
SELECT setval('chill_person_accompanying_period_participation_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id), 1) FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_participation));
-- Undo 51.
DELETE FROM chill_person_accompanying_period acp USING import.periodes ip WHERE = ip.period_id;
SELECT setval('chill_person_accompanying_period_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id), 1) FROM chill_person_accompanying_period));
-- Undo 50.
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP column period_id;
-- Undo 46.
DELETE FROM chill_person_household_composition c USING import.personnes ip WHERE c.household_id = ip.person_id;
SELECT setval('chill_person_household_composition_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_household_composition));
-- Undo 45.
DELETE FROM chill_person_household_to_addresses hhaddr USING import.personnes ip WHERE hhaddr.household_id = ip.person_id;
-- Undo 44.
DELETE FROM chill_person_household_members memb USING import.personnes ip WHERE memb.person_id = ip.person_id;
SELECT setval('chill_person_household_members_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_household_members));
DELETE FROM chill_person_household hh USING import.personnes ip WHERE = ip.person_id;
SELECT setval('chill_person_household_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_household));
-- Undo 43.
DELETE FROM chill_main_address addr USING import.personnes ip WHERE = ip.address_id;
SELECT setval('chill_main_address_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_main_address));
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP column postcode_id;
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP column address_id;
-- Undo 42.
DELETE FROM chill_person_person_center_history hist USING import.personnes ip WHERE hist.person_id = ip.person_id;
SELECT setval('chill_person_person_center_history_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_person_center_history));
-- Undo 41.
DELETE FROM chill_person_person p USING import.personnes ip WHERE = ip.person_id;
SELECT setval('chill_person_person_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_person));
-- Undo 40.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN person_id;
-- Undo 34.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP column phonenumber1;
-- Undo 33.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP column mobilenumber1;
-- Undo 32.
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP COLUMN intensity1;
-- Undo 31.
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP COLUMN acp_scopes1;
-- Undo 30.
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP COLUMN job1;
-- Undo 29.
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP COLUMN origin1;
-- Undo 28.
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP COLUMN closingmotive1;
-- Undo 27.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN household_position1;
-- Undo 26.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN household_composition_type1;
-- Undo 25.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN numberofchildren1;
-- Undo 24.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN maritalstatus1;
-- Undo 23.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN countryofbirth1;
-- Undo 22.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN nationality1;
-- Undo 21.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN gender1;
-- Undo 20.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN civility1;
-- Undo 14.
-- Undo 13.
DELETE FROM chill_person_social_issue USING import.choix_periodes i
WHERE parent_id IN ( SELECT id FROM chill_person_social_issue cpsi WHERE cpsi.title::jsonb->>'fr' = i.parent1::jsonb->>'fr' AND cpsi.parent_id IS NULL );
DELETE FROM chill_person_social_issue cpsi USING import.choix_periodes icp WHERE cpsi.title::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.parent1::jsonb->>'fr' AND cpsi.parent_id IS NULL ;
SELECT setval('chill_person_social_issue_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_social_issue));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes DROP COLUMN enfant1;
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes DROP COLUMN parent1;
-- Undo 12.
DELETE FROM users USING import.choix_periodes icp WHERE users.username::text = icp.referrer::text AND users.password = '' AND users.enabled = false;
SELECT setval('users_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM users));
-- Undo 11.
DELETE FROM scopes USING import.choix_periodes icp WHERE>>'fr' = icp.acp_scopes1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE>>'fr' = icp.acp_scopes1::jsonb->>'fr');
SELECT setval('scopes_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM scopes));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes DROP COLUMN acp_scopes1;
-- Undo 10.
DELETE FROM chill_main_user_job cmuj USING import.choix_periodes icp WHERE cmuj.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.job1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE cmuj.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.job1::jsonb->>'fr');
SELECT setval('chill_main_user_job_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_main_user_job));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes DROP COLUMN job1;
-- Undo 9.
DELETE FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_origin cpapo USING import.choix_periodes icp WHERE cpapo.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.origin1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE cpapo.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.origin1::jsonb->>'fr');
SELECT setval('chill_person_accompanying_period_origin_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_origin));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes DROP COLUMN origin1;
-- Undo 8.
DELETE FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive cpapcm USING import.choix_periodes icp WHERE>>'fr' = icp.closingmotive1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_periodes WHERE>>'fr' = icp.closingmotive1::jsonb->>'fr');
SELECT setval('chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_accompanying_period_closingmotive));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_periodes DROP COLUMN closingmotive1;
-- Undo 7.
DELETE FROM chill_person_household_position cphp USING import.choix_personnes icp WHERE cphp.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.household_position1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE cphp.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.household_position1::jsonb->>'fr');
SELECT setval('chill_person_household_position_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_household_position));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes DROP COLUMN household_position1;
-- Undo 6.
DELETE FROM chill_person_household_composition_type cphct USING import.choix_personnes icp WHERE cphct.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.household_composition_type1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE cphct.label::jsonb->>'fr' = icp.household_composition_type1::jsonb->>'fr');
SELECT setval('chill_person_household_composition_type_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_person_household_composition_type));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes DROP COLUMN household_composition_type1;
-- Undo 5.
DELETE FROM chill_person_marital_status cpms USING import.choix_personnes icp WHERE>>'fr' = icp.maritalstatus1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE>>'fr' = icp.maritalstatus1::jsonb->>'fr');
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes DROP COLUMN maritalstatus1;
-- Undo 4.
DELETE FROM country USING import.choix_personnes icp WHERE>>'fr' = icp.country1::jsonb->>'fr' AND > 249; -- 249 existing countries
SELECT setval('country_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM country));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes DROP COLUMN country1;
-- Undo 3.
DELETE FROM chill_main_civility cmc USING import.choix_personnes ip WHERE>>'fr' = ip.civility1::jsonb->>'fr'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM import.choix_personnes WHERE>>'fr' = ip.civility1::jsonb->>'fr');
SELECT setval('chill_main_civility_id_seq', (SELECT COALESCE(max(id),1) FROM chill_main_civility));
ALTER TABLE import.choix_personnes DROP COLUMN civility1;
-- Undo 2.
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN birthdate1;
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN deathdate1;
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN validfrom1;
ALTER TABLE import.personnes DROP COLUMN household_startdate1;
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP COLUMN openingdate1;
ALTER TABLE import.periodes DROP COLUMN closingdate1;
-- -------------
-- tiers choices_list: civility kind profession category
-- =============
-- définir par défaut: quel user, quel centre ?