This commit is contained in:
nobohan 2021-06-02 11:45:30 +02:00
parent d85681d2dc
commit 113533c2db
2 changed files with 115 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ taxhub $ npm install
$ docker-compose run --rm citizen-front npm install
$ docker-compose run --rm citizen-front run build:i18n-ssr
$ docker-compose run --rm citizen-front npm run build:i18n-ssr
$ docker-compose up -d citizen-front

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@ -1,9 +1,120 @@
# gl-geonature
Geonature - Biommap
L'instance Geonature-Citizen de Champs-Libres.
# Multi-container instructions
Clone this repo
$ git clone git@gitea.champs-libres.be:champs-libres/biommap.git
Get the code (using git-submodule) for : citizen & taxhub.
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
You have also to pull the last development from the fork of GeoNature in vendor
$ cd vendor/GeoNature-citizen
vendor/GeoNature-citizen$ git checkout champs-libres && git pull
### DB init
Creation of the table `referentielsdb` that will be used for storing data.
$ docker-compose up -d db
$ docker-compose exec db createdb -U postgres referentielsdb
$ docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres -d referentielsdb -c "CREATE SCHEMA taxonomie"
$ docker-compose exec db psql -d -U postgres -d referentielsdb -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis"
### Taxhub
$ docker-compose run taxhub bash install_db.sh
$ docker-compose up -d taxhub
#### CREATION / Compiation du JS de Taxhub
##### Mise à jour de nppm.
$ docker-compose exec -u root taxhub bash
taxhub $ npm install npm@latest -g # mise à jour de npm
#### Compilation du code
$ docker-compose exec taxhub bash
taxhub $ cd static
taxhub $ cp app/constants.js.sample app/constants.js
taxhub $ npm install
### Citizen-front
$ docker-compose run --rm citizen-front npm install
$ docker-compose run --rm citizen-front npm run build:i18n-ssr
$ docker-compose up -d citizen-front
### Citizen-back
docker-compose up -d citizen-front
### Apache
Redigie de 8080 vers autres services :
- 4000 (citizen-front)
- 5002 (citizen-back)
- 5000 (taxon)
# Single-container instructions (deprecated)
## Installation
$ git submodule update --init --recursive