# This file contains metadata for your plugin. # This file should be included when you package your plugin.# Mandatory items: [general] name=PlotInLayout qgisMinimumVersion=3.0 description=test for adding plot in layout version=0.1 author=Champs-Libres email=julien.minet@champs-libres.coop about=test for setting a button in layout tracker=http://bugs repository=http://repo # End of mandatory metadata # Recommended items: hasProcessingProvider=no # Uncomment the following line and add your changelog: # changelog= # Tags are comma separated with spaces allowed tags=python homepage=http://homepage category=Plugins icon=icon.png # experimental flag experimental=True # deprecated flag (applies to the whole plugin, not just a single version) deprecated=False # Since QGIS 3.8, a comma separated list of plugins to be installed # (or upgraded) can be specified. # Check the documentation for more information. # plugin_dependencies= Category of the plugin: Raster, Vector, Database or Web # category= # If the plugin can run on QGIS Server. server=False