THIS_FILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) PWD:=$(shell echo ${PWD}) UID:=$(shell id -u) GID:=$(shell id -g) BASE_TAG=chill_base_php82 DOCKERNODE_CMD=docker run --rm --user ${UID}:${GID} -v ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app -e YARN_CACHE_FOLDER=/app/.yarncache node:16 DOCKER_COMPOSE_PHP_EXEC_CMD=docker-compose run --rm --user $(UID):$(GID) -e CLEAR_CACHE=false -e COMPOSER_HOME=/var/www/app/.composer --entrypoint /usr/bin/env php DOCKER_PHP_EXEC_CMD_BASE=docker run --rm --user $(UID):$(GID) -v ${PWD}:/var/www/app -e CLEAR_CACHE=false -e COMPOSER_HOME=/var/www/app/.composer --entrypoint /usr/bin/env $(BASE_TAG) PHP_BASE_IMAGE=php:8.2-fpm-alpine PHP_BASE_IMAGE_CHILL=chill_php82 NGINX_BASE_IMAGE=nginx CALVER=$(shell date "+v%Y%m%d%H%M")-${CALVERSION} ifneq (,$(wildcard ./.env)) include .env export endif ifneq (,$(wildcard ./.env.local)) include .env.local export endif help: @echo "Please make use of 'make <target>' where <target> is one of: " @echo " build-assets to build assets for production" @echo " build-images to build image PHP and NGINX" @echo " build-and-push-images to build image PHP and NGINX and push them on a registry" @echo " init to initialize your development directory" @echo " install-vendor to install vendor using composer" @echo " migrate to migrate the database to last version" @echo " pull-base-images to pull base image used in image php and nginx images" @echo " post-install to run post-install scripts" @echo " post-update to run post-update scripts" @echo " tag-calver to replace the current version tag by a calendar version" @echo " tag-calver-push to replace the current version tag by a calendar version and push to registry" @echo " upgrade-vendors to upgrade vendor" build-assets: $(DOCKERNODE_CMD) yarn install $(DOCKERNODE_CMD) yarn run encore production init: docker build --target $(PHP_BASE_IMAGE_CHILL) -t $(BASE_TAG) . $(DOCKER_PHP_EXEC_CMD_BASE) composer update --no-scripts --no-interaction @$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) build-assets @$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) post-install post-install: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PHP_EXEC_CMD) composer run-script post-install-cmd post-update: docker-compose build php $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PHP_EXEC_CMD) composer run-script post-update-cmd migrate: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PHP_EXEC_CMD) bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate -n fixtures: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PHP_EXEC_CMD) bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load -n push-images: docker-compose push php nginx pull-base-images: docker pull $(PHP_BASE_IMAGE) docker pull $(NGINX_BASE_IMAGE) docker pull composer:2 build-and-push-images: @$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) build-base-image-php @$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) build-assets docker-compose build php nginx @$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) push-images build-images: @$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) build-assets docker-compose build php nginx upgrade-vendors: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PHP_EXEC_CMD) composer update install-vendors: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PHP_EXEC_CMD) composer install tag-calver: docker tag $(IMAGE_PHP):$(VERSION) $(IMAGE_PHP):$(CALVER) docker tag $(IMAGE_NGINX):$(VERSION) $(IMAGE_NGINX):$(CALVER) tag-calver-push: @$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) tag-calver docker push $(IMAGE_PHP):$(CALVER) docker push $(IMAGE_NGINX):$(CALVER)