name: 'Create pull request' description: 'Create pull requests in gitea' runs: using: 'go' main: 'main.go' inputs: token: description: 'Access token which allow to create pull requests' default: ${{ github.token }} title: required: false description: The title of the pull request default: Changes by create-pull-request action body: required: false description: The body of the pull request default: Automated changes by create-pull-request Gitea action labels: description: 'A comma or newline separated list of labels.' assignees: description: 'A comma or newline separated list of assignees (GitHub usernames).' base: description: > The pull request base branch (the one into which the new code will be pushed). required: true head: description: > The pull request head branch (the one within the new code is developed). outputs: pull-request-number: description: 'The pull request number' pull-request-url: description: 'The URL of the pull request.'