/newpage # Social support trajectory Providing meaningful social support is often an intricate combination of goals, actions, involved actors, documents, etc... With its social support module, Chill aims to give it's users a tool which they can keep track of trajectories. You can look at it as the third big module within the application. Like the person and household modules it can be easily identified by the banner at the top of the screen. ![Trajectory banner](/user/img/banner_course.png) ## Trajectory overview ![Trajectory dashboard](/user/img/parcours_dashboard.png) The overview page assembles the most important information and latest activity within a trajectory, allowing you to take certain quick actions like clicking on associated person badges, linked activities or social actions, sending a new notification, etc... In short it is the trajectory dashboard from where you can navigate to specific sections. ## Creation of a social support trajectory A new trajectory can be created from the section menu. Doing so will direct you to a blank trajectory form for you to fill-out. > Sections > Create a new trajectory A trajectory can also be created from within a person file and will immediately link it to this person. You will see the person added in the first section **concerned persons** > Yellow person menu > Trajectories > Create a trajectory button ### Different states of a trajectory It is important to distinguish three main states for a trajectory. A badge can be found in the top right corner of the banner or list-item to identify this state. * **DRAFT**: the trajectory form has missing information and can therefore not be confirmed (badge color: gray) * * **CONFIRMED**: all required information has been provided and further actions, activities,... can be added (badge color: dark blue). * **CLOSED**: the social support trajectory has come to closure, the reason can be defined (badge color: red). Within your user menu you will find a menu entry to direct you to, * a listing page of **all** the trajectories to which you are the referrer. * a listing page of all your **DRAFT** trajectories (ones you created, but have not yet confirmed). While the above three are considered the main states, there are additional properties that distinguish the state of a trajectory. They are the following, * **Confidential**: A confidential trajectory can only be viewed by the referrer. Other users will not have access to it's information. * **Intensity**: TODO The intensity can be set to *regular* or *punctual* * **Emergency**: This state can be toggled when urgent actions are required within this trajectory. ### Required information The information required to **confirm** a trajectory is the following: * It is linked to at least one [concerned person](#concerned-person). * It has at least one linked [social issue](#social-issue). * It is assigned to at least one [service](#service). * It has to be [localised](#trajectory-localisation). ![Confirm trajectory](/user/img/parcours_confirm.png) All of these requirements are listed at the bottom of the form when you have failed to fulfill them. This serves as a reminder to what you should do in order to confirm the trajectory. ### Concerned person ![Concerned persons](/user/img/concerned_persons.png) A trajectory can be put started to provide support to multiple persons (eg. support is given to a mother and her two children). ### Trajectory localisation ![Localisation](/user/img/parcours_localisation.png) Every trajectory **has** to be localised and this can be done in one of two ways. 1. You can indicate a temporary address by clicking the designated button. The address will not automatically be adapted when a concerned person moves. Therefore a message is displayed to remind you as a user that the second option, here listed, is preferable. 2. You can link it to a concerned person's **home address** by clicking the map-marker icon in the concerned persons section. If the person moves it will also be automatically adapted within the trajectory. __Note__: While a trajectory is linked to a concerned person's address... * it is not possible to dissociate this person from the trajectory. * the person cannot be moved from a household without indicating another address. #### Why localize a trajectory ? Localising a trajectory allows for the following: * The automatic assignment of a referrer. * Inclusion in the list of trajectories to be discussed within meetings held by concerning services. * The generation of localised statistics. * The management of access rights. #### Locate the trajectory with a concerned person If a concerned person has an address, it is possible to locate the trajectory with this person. When a trajectory is located with a person: * the trajectory "follows" the person's address when he moves; * it is not possible to dissociate the concerned person from the trajectory; In addition, * the person cannot leave the trajectory as long as the trajectory is located near him/her * the person cannot leave the household without leaving an address, as long as he/she is located with at least one trajectory. #### Temporary location A temporary address may be assigned to a trajectory. In this case, this location is associated with the route, and will not be automatically changed if a person moves. To avoid this situation, a warning message reminds persons that it is preferable to indicate a real location for the trajectory. ### Origin of the application for support Within this section you will find a pre-defined list of possible origins (eg. the application was done by telephone) ### Administrative location The administrative location is the place where the trajectory is processed. This is useful for organisations with several different locations. ### The applicant This can be an already existing person/thirdparty or a new applicant can be created from within the search modal. Click on the button <**create 'your-search-name'**> to do so. ### Social issue Using the dropdown menu multiple social issues can be identified. Link at least one to be able to confirm the trajectory. ### Services Identify at least one service that is concerned with this trajectory. Multiple services can be selected. This will have an impact on who has the right to access the trajectory files. ### Referrer The referrer is the colleague to whom you can refer yourself concerning this trajectory. They are responsible for the follow-up and they have specific rights linked to the state of the trajectory. * They can mark it as confidential. * They can mark it as urgent. * They can change the intensity. __Note__: These three states cannot be modified if a trajectory does not have a referrer assigned. Likewise a referrer cannot be removed from a confidential trajectory. ### External partners A trajectory is setup to provide support to one or more concerned persons. Naturally, there may also be one or more thirdparties or persons involved to offer this support. These partners can be added in this section by searching for their name. When a partner does not yet exist they can be created from within the search modal by pressing the button ****. ## Trajectory history TODO ## Social support actions Within a trajectory plenty of actions will be taken to realize the support. Please read the documentation about [social actions](/user/English/social_actions.md) for in detail information. ## Comments Comments can be added to a trajectory to notify co-workers of additional information for which there may not be a designated section. A comment can be **pinned** to the trajectory dashboard by clicking on the flag icon. __note__: Only one comment can be pinned to the dashboard, but all comments will remain available within the comment section to view,modify, re-pin, or delete. ## Tasks Just as within the person module, tasks can be created and assigned within a trajectory. Please read the documentation about [tasks](/user/English/tasks.md) for in detail information. ## Documents Just as within the person module, documents can be attached to a trajectory. The only difference here is that a trajectory document can also be generated from a template. This template can be selected from the dropdown menu. Please read the documentation about [documents](/user/English/documents.md) for in detail information. ## Close a trajectory At any time a trajectory can be closed by clicking on the sidebar menu entry ****. You will be taken to a small form in which you can specify the date of closure and the reason. ## Re-open a trajectory When a trajectory is closed the menu will adapt itself to offer the user the possibility to re-open it. No further actions are required after clicking this button.