-- list of supported environment classes in package awesomebox local default_env_available = { 'note', 'tip', 'warning', 'caution', 'important' } -- list of mappings: environment that are mapped to a supported env in awesomebox local default_env_mapping = { ['info'] = 'note', -- example: the div with class .info will be transformed to tip ['warning'] = 'caution', ['danger'] = 'important', } local function get_box(classes) for l,c in ipairs(classes) do for k,v in ipairs(default_env_available) do if c:match(v) then return v end end for k,v in pairs(default_env_mapping) do if c:match(k) then return v end end end return nil end if FORMAT:match('latex') then function Div(div) box = get_box(div.classes) if box ~= nil then blockname = box .. 'block' return { pandoc.RawBlock('latex', '\\begin{' .. blockname .. '}'), div, pandoc.RawBlock('latex', '\\end{' .. blockname .. '}'), } end end end