#!/bin/sh set -e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # AJT - change directory to mod_tile directory so that we can run replag # and other things directly from this script when run from cron. # Change the actual location to wherever installed locally. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extra OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS may need setting if a tag transform script is # in use. See https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-style and # http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:SomeoneElse/Ubuntu_1404_tileserver_load # The database name always needs setting. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSMOSIS_BIN=osmosis OSM2PGSQL_BIN=osm2pgsql TRIM_BIN=/home/renderer/src/regional/trim_osc.py DBNAME=gis OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS="-d $DBNAME -G --hstore --tag-transform-script /data/style/${NAME_LUA:-openstreetmap-carto.lua} --number-processes ${THREADS:-4} -S /data/style/${NAME_STYLE:-openstreetmap-carto.style} ${OSM2PGSQL_EXTRA_ARGS}" # flat-nodes if [ -f /data/database/flat_nodes.bin ]; then OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS="${OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS} --flat-nodes /data/database/flat_nodes.bin" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # When using trim_osc.py we can define either a bounding box (such as this # example for England and Wales) or a polygon. # See https://github.com/zverik/regional . # This area will usually correspond to the data originally loaded. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRIM_POLY_FILE="/data/database/region.poly" TRIM_OPTIONS="-d $DBNAME" TRIM_REGION_OPTIONS="-p $TRIM_POLY_FILE" BASE_DIR=/data/database LOG_DIR=/var/log/tiles WORKOSM_DIR=$BASE_DIR/.osmosis LOCK_FILE=/tmp/openstreetmap-update-expire-lock.txt CHANGE_FILE=$BASE_DIR/changes.osc.gz EXPIRY_FILE=$BASE_DIR/dirty_tiles STOP_FILE=$BASE_DIR/stop.txt OSMOSISLOG=$LOG_DIR/osmosis.log PGSQLLOG=$LOG_DIR/osm2pgsql.log EXPIRYLOG=$LOG_DIR/expiry.log RUNLOG=$LOG_DIR/run.log #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The tile expiry section below can re-render, delete or dirty expired tiles. # By default, tiles between EXPIRY_MINZOOM and EXPIRY_MAXZOOM are rerendered. # "render_expired" can optionally delete (and/or dirty) tiles above a certail # threshold rather than rendering them. # Here we expire (but don't immediately rerender) tiles between zoom levels # 13 and 18 and delete between 19 and 20. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPIRY_MINZOOM=13 EXPIRY_TOUCHFROM=13 EXPIRY_DELETEFROM=19 EXPIRY_MAXZOOM=20 #************************************************************************* #************************************************************************* m_info() { echo "[`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`] $$ $1" >> "$RUNLOG" } m_error() { echo "[`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`] $$ [error] $1" >> "$RUNLOG" m_info "resetting state" /bin/cp $WORKOSM_DIR/last.state.txt $WORKOSM_DIR/state.txt || true rm "$CHANGE_FILE" || true rm "$EXPIRY_FILE.$$" || true rm "$LOCK_FILE" exit } m_ok() { echo "[`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`] $$ $1" >> "$RUNLOG" } getlock() { if [ -s $1 ]; then if [ "$(ps -p `cat $1` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then return 1 #false fi fi echo $$ >"$1" return 0 #true } freelock() { rm "$1" rm "$CHANGE_FILE" } if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then m_info "Initialising Osmosis replication system to $1" mkdir -p $WORKOSM_DIR $OSMOSIS_BIN --read-replication-interval-init workingDirectory=$WORKOSM_DIR 1>&2 2> "$OSMOSISLOG" wget "https://replicate-sequences.osm.mazdermind.de/?"$1"T00:00:00Z" -O $WORKOSM_DIR/state.txt mv $WORKOSM_DIR/configuration.txt $WORKOSM_DIR/configuration_orig.txt sed "s!baseUrl=http://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute!baseUrl=https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute!" $WORKOSM_DIR/configuration_orig.txt > $WORKOSM_DIR/configuration.txt exit 0 fi # make sure the lockfile is removed when we exit and then claim it if ! getlock "$LOCK_FILE"; then m_info "pid `cat $LOCK_FILE` still running" exit 3 fi if [ -e $STOP_FILE ]; then m_info "stopped" exit 2 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add disk space check from https://github.com/zverik/regional # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIN_DISK_SPACE_MB=500 if `python -c "import os, sys; st=os.statvfs('$BASE_DIR'); sys.exit(1 if st.f_bavail*st.f_frsize/1024/1024 > $MIN_DISK_SPACE_MB else 0)"`; then m_info "there is less than $MIN_DISK_SPACE_MB MB left" exit 4 fi seq=`cat $WORKOSM_DIR/state.txt | grep sequenceNumber | cut -d= -f2` m_ok "start import from seq-nr $seq, replag is `osmosis-db_replag -h`" /bin/cp $WORKOSM_DIR/state.txt $WORKOSM_DIR/last.state.txt m_ok "downloading diff" if ! $OSMOSIS_BIN --read-replication-interval workingDirectory=$WORKOSM_DIR --simplify-change --write-xml-change $CHANGE_FILE 1>&2 2> "$OSMOSISLOG"; then m_error "Osmosis error" fi if [ -f $TRIM_POLY_FILE ] ; then m_ok "filtering diff" if ! $TRIM_BIN $TRIM_OPTIONS $TRIM_REGION_OPTIONS -z $CHANGE_FILE $CHANGE_FILE 1>&2 2>> "$RUNLOG"; then m_error "Trim_osc error" fi else m_ok "filtering diff skipped" fi m_ok "importing diff" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Previously openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire tried to dirty layer # "$EXPIRY_MAXZOOM - 3" (which was 15) only. Instead we write all expired # tiles in range to the list (note the "-" rather than ":" in the "-e" # parameter). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ! $OSM2PGSQL_BIN -a --slim -e$EXPIRY_MINZOOM-$EXPIRY_MAXZOOM $OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS -o "$EXPIRY_FILE.$$" $CHANGE_FILE 1>&2 2> "$PGSQLLOG"; then m_error "osm2pgsql error" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The lockfile is normally removed before we expire tiles because that is # something that can be done in parallel with further processing. In order to # avoid rework, if actually rerendering is done rather than just deleting or # dirtying, it makes sense to move it lower down. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # m_ok "Import complete; removing lock file" # freelock "$LOCK_FILE" m_ok "expiring tiles" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # When expiring tiles we need to define the style sheet if it's not "default". # In this case it's "ajt". # Previously all tiles on the "dirty" list between $EXPIRY_MINZOOM and # $EXPIRY_MAXZOOM were dirtied. We currently re-render # tiles >= $EXPIRY_MINZOOM and < $EXPIRY_DELETEFROM, expiry from 14 and # delete >= $EXPIRY_DELETEFROM and <= $EXPIRY_MAXZOOM. # The default path to renderd.sock is fixed. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ! render_expired --map=ajt --min-zoom=$EXPIRY_MINZOOM --touch-from=$EXPIRY_TOUCHFROM --delete-from=$EXPIRY_DELETEFROM --max-zoom=$EXPIRY_MAXZOOM -s /var/run/renderd/renderd.sock < "$EXPIRY_FILE.$$" 2>&1 | tail -8 >> "$EXPIRYLOG"; then m_info "Expiry failed" fi rm "$EXPIRY_FILE.$$" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Only remove the lock file after expiry (if system is slow we want to delay # the next import, not have multiple render_expired processes running) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ freelock "$LOCK_FILE" m_ok "Done with import"