export const AppConfig = { appName: "GeoNature-citizen", API_ENDPOINT:"http://localhost:8080/api", API_TAXHUB:"http://localhost/taxhub/api/", FRONTEND:{ PROD_MOD:true, MULTILINGUAL:false, DISPLAY_FOOTER: true, DISPLAY_TOPBAR: true, DISPLAY_SIDEBAR: true, DISPLAY_STATS: true, DISPLAY_BADGES: true, NEW_OBS_FORM_MODAL_VERSION: true }, META: { keywords: 'biodiversite enquetes participatif observations', }, about: true, URL_APPLICATION:"http://localhost:8080/", REWARDS: true, termsOfUse: { fr: "assets/cgu.pdf", en: "assets/termsOfUse.pdf" }, signup:true, email_contact:false, platform_intro: { fr: "Bienvenue
à Wasseiges", en: "Welcome
on GeoNature Citizen" }, platform_teaser: { fr: "Cartographie participative de notre environnement", en: "Hae duae provinciae bello quondam piratico catervis mixtae praedonum a Servilio pro consule missae sub iugum factae sunt vectigales. et hae quidem regiones velut in prominenti terrarum lingua positae ob orbe eoo monte Amano disparantur." }, platform_participate: { fr: "PARTICIPER AU PROGRAMME", en: "PARTICIPATE" }, programs_label: { fr: "Programmes", en: "Surveys" }, program_label: { fr: "Le programme", en: "Survey" }, program_share_an_observation: { fr: "PARTAGER UNE OBSERVATION", en: "SHARE AN OBSERVATION" }, program_add_an_observation: { fr: "AJOUTER UNE OBSERVATION", en: "CONTRIBUTE AN OBSERVATION" }, program_allow_email_contact: { fr: "J'accepte que mon adresse e-mail puisse être utilisée pour recontacter à propos de mon observation", en : "I agree that my e-mail address can be used to recontact about my observation" }, taxonSelectInputThreshold: 7, taxonAutocompleteInputThreshold: 12, taxonAutocompleteFields: [ "nom_complet", "nom_vern", "nom_vern_eng", "cd_nom" ], taxonDisplaySciName: true, program_list_observers_names: true, program_list_sort: "-timestamp_create", details_espece_url: "/cd_nom/", // !! gardez bien le cd_nom/ dans l'url registration_message : "Vous inscrire vous permet de gérer vos observations" }