TODO FUSION entre README & # gl-geonature L'instance Geonature-Citizen de Champs-Libres. # Installation développeur (docker-compose ) ## Multiple containers Get the code (using git-submodule) for : citizen & taxhub. ``` $ git submodule update --init --recursive ``` ### DB init Creation of the table `referentielsdb` that will be used for storing data. ``` $ docker-compose up -d db $ docker-compose exec db createdb -U postgres referentielsdb $ docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres -d referentielsdb -c "CREATE SCHEMA taxonomie" $ docker-compose exec db psql -d -U postgres -d referentielsdb -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis" ``` ### Taxhub ``` $ docker-compose run taxhub bash $ docker-compose up -d taxhub ``` #### CREATION / Compiation du JS de Taxhub ##### Mise à jour de nppm. ``` $ docker-compose exec -u root taxhub bash taxhub $ npm install npm@latest -g # mise à jour de npm ``` #### Compilation du code ``` $ docker-compose exec taxhub bash taxhub $ cd static taxhub $ cp app/constants.js.sample app/constants.js taxhub $ npm install ``` ### Citizen-front ``` $ docker-compose run --rm citizen-front npm install $ docker-compose run --rm citizen-front run build:i18n-ssr $ docker-compose up -d citizen-front ``` ### Citizen-back ``` docker-compose up -d citizen-front ``` ### Apache Redigie de 8080 vers autres services : - 4000 (citizen-front) - 5002 (citizen-back) - 5000 (taxon) ## Single container (depreciated) ### Creation DB (pour single container) docker-compose exec db createdb -U postgres citizen docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres -d citizen -c "CREATE SCHEMA taxonomie" ref_geo docker-compose exec db psql -d -U postgres -d citizen -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis" $ git submodule update --init --recursive $ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose exec citizen install/ note: les credentials pour accéder au backend se trouvent dans /home/appuser/citizen/config ### Remise en route du service $ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose exec citizen sh install/ # Documentation : $ make doc