--- version: '3' ## this is a template version for development ## to use it, save this file as `docker-compose.override.yml` services: php: volumes: - .:/var/www/app environment: - APP_ENV=dev - APP_DEBUG=true # You must customize this for your own environment. # Use `id` to find it out. - PHP_FPM_USER=1000 - PHP_FPM_GROUP=100 - COMPOSER_HOME=/var/www/app/.composer # this is required to run tests with database from vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles directory - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?serverVersion=14&charset=utf8 links: - smtp - dumper dumper: image: gitea.champs-libres.be/chill-project/chill-skeleton-basic/base-image:latest entrypoint: ["/usr/bin/env"] command: ["bin/var-dump-server", "--host", ""] volumes: - .:/var/www/app nginx: volumes: - .:/var/www/app db: volumes: - ./docker/db/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # if you prefer to store the data somewhere into your user path, instead of the docker's path # this is useful not to loose data when you run `docker container prune` or `docker volume prune` - /path/to/your/db/data:/var/lib/postgresql ports: - "" environment: - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" # fake smtp server smtp: image: schickling/mailcatcher ports: - "8005:1080" # for use with collabora, you have to uncomment the following services # and add a 'web' and collabora entry to your local /etc/hosts, # which resolves to # # Example: # # ``` # collabora web # ``` # # Then, go to http://web to reach the app # # Take care that the `web` URL does not belong to [Secure Context](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Secure_Contexts). # This means that some features, like encrypting document in the browser, # won't works. # # Then, uncomment those lines: # # nginx: # ports: # - "80:80" # #collabora: # image: collabora/code:latest # environment: # - SLEEPFORDEBUGGER=0 # - DONT_GEN_SSL_CERT="True" # - extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=false # - username=admin # - password=admin # - dictionaries=en_US # ports: # - "" # cap_add: # - MKNOD # links: # - "nginx:web" # uncomment those lines to launch pgadmin4: # pgadmin: # image: dpage/pgadmin4 # links: # - db # environment: # - "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=${PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL:-admin@chill.social}" # - "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=${PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD:-password}" # - "PGADMIN_DISABLE_POSTFIX=true" # ports: # - "" # volumes: # - "./docker/pgadmin4/servers.json:/pgadmin4/servers.json:ro" #