From 03de4e5cc7b1a5ae7597459018ab83ecf3c53883 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Julien=20Fastr=C3=A9?= Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 12:07:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] initial commit --- .env | 59 + .gitignore | 11 + .idea/.gitignore | 8 + .nvmrc | 1 + .symfony.local.yaml | 2 + assets/app.js | 12 + assets/bootstrap.js | 11 + assets/controllers.json | 4 + assets/controllers/hello_controller.js | 16 + assets/styles/app.css | 3 + compose.override.yaml | 28 + compose.yaml | 28 + composer.json | 136 +- composer.lock | 9837 ++++++++++++++++- config/bundles.php | 32 + config/packages/cache_chill.yaml | 14 + config/packages/chill.yaml | 121 + config/packages/chill_budget.yaml | 85 + config/packages/chill_calendar.yaml | 3 + config/packages/chill_doc_generator.yaml | 5 + config/packages/chill_doc_store.yaml | 6 + config/packages/debug.yaml | 5 + config/packages/doctrine.yaml | 44 + config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml | 6 + .../packages/doctrine_migrations_chill.yaml | 20 + config/packages/framework_chill.yaml | 3 + config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml | 3 + config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml | 4 + config/packages/loophp_psr17.yaml | 8 + config/packages/mailer.yaml | 3 + config/packages/mailer_chill.yaml | 4 + config/packages/messenger.yaml | 31 + config/packages/misd_phone_number.yaml | 6 + config/packages/monolog.yaml | 62 + config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml | 12 + config/packages/nyholm_psr7.yaml | 11 + config/packages/ramsey_uuid_doctrine.yaml | 4 + config/packages/routing_chill.yaml | 8 + config/packages/security.yaml | 84 + config/packages/security_chill.yaml | 4 + config/packages/sensio_framework_extra.yaml | 3 + config/packages/translation.yaml | 7 + config/packages/translation_chill.yaml | 4 + config/packages/twig.yaml | 6 + config/packages/twig_chill.yaml | 16 + config/packages/validator.yaml | 13 + config/packages/web_profiler.yaml | 15 + config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml | 45 + config/packages/workflow.yaml | 2 + config/routes/annotations.yaml | 7 + config/routes/chill.yaml | 22 + config/routes/chill_wopi.yaml | 3 + config/routes/web_profiler.yaml | 8 + config/routes/wopi.yaml | 3 + migrations/.gitignore | 0 package.json | 14 + src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php | 17 + src/Entity/.gitignore | 0 src/Repository/.gitignore | 0 symfony.lock | 337 + templates/base.html.twig | 19 + translations/.gitignore | 0 tsconfig.json | 30 + webpack.config.js | 161 + yarn.lock | 9493 ++++++++++++++++ 65 files changed, 20903 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .idea/.gitignore create mode 100644 .nvmrc create mode 100644 .symfony.local.yaml create mode 100644 assets/app.js create mode 100644 assets/bootstrap.js create mode 100644 assets/controllers.json create mode 100644 assets/controllers/hello_controller.js create mode 100644 assets/styles/app.css create mode 100644 compose.override.yaml create mode 100644 compose.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/cache_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/chill_budget.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/chill_calendar.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/chill_doc_generator.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/chill_doc_store.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/debug.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/doctrine.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/doctrine_migrations_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/framework_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/loophp_psr17.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/mailer.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/mailer_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/messenger.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/misd_phone_number.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/monolog.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/nyholm_psr7.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/ramsey_uuid_doctrine.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/routing_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/security.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/security_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/sensio_framework_extra.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/translation.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/translation_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/twig.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/twig_chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/validator.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/web_profiler.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml create mode 100644 config/packages/workflow.yaml create mode 100644 config/routes/annotations.yaml create mode 100644 config/routes/chill.yaml create mode 100644 config/routes/chill_wopi.yaml create mode 100644 config/routes/web_profiler.yaml create mode 100644 config/routes/wopi.yaml create mode 100644 migrations/.gitignore create mode 100644 package.json create mode 100644 src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php create mode 100644 src/Entity/.gitignore create mode 100644 src/Repository/.gitignore create mode 100644 templates/base.html.twig create mode 100644 translations/.gitignore create mode 100644 tsconfig.json create mode 100644 webpack.config.js create mode 100644 yarn.lock diff --git a/.env b/.env index a5ccf1f..b9716ce 100644 --- a/.env +++ b/.env @@ -18,3 +18,62 @@ APP_ENV=dev APP_SECRET=607eca0fca7f87a7d2d027d1022c2e89 ###< symfony/framework-bundle ### + +###> symfony/messenger ### +# Choose one of the transports below +# MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/messages +# MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=redis://localhost:6379/messages +MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=doctrine://default?auto_setup=0 +###< symfony/messenger ### + +###> symfony/mailer ### +# MAILER_DSN=null://null +###< symfony/mailer ### + +###> lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ### +JWT_SECRET_KEY=%kernel.project_dir%/config/jwt/private.pem +JWT_PUBLIC_KEY=%kernel.project_dir%/config/jwt/public.pem +JWT_PASSPHRASE=d34b3ce91e817838c919e34e028ba6008b66bd7819a3714465861f2e36eade49 +###< lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ### + +###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### +# Format described at +# IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version, either here or in config/packages/doctrine.yaml +# +# DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/data.db" +# DATABASE_URL="mysql://app:!ChangeMe!@" +DATABASE_URL="postgresql://app:!ChangeMe!@" +###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### + +###> chill-project/chill-bundles ### +# Generate a password using `symfony console security:hash-password --empty-salt 'Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User'` and paste it into .env.local file +# ADMIN_PASSWORD= +# Add a configuration for sending SMS (before calendar appointments, aka "Rendez-vous"). See +# Configuration for using ovh custom notifier +# SHORT_MESSAGE_DSN="ovh://user:password@ovh-eu?consumer_key=123456&sender=%2B32475123456&service_name=sms-xx123456-1" +SHORT_MESSAGE_DSN=null://null +# Default locale for the project +LOCALE=fr +# Those keys are required to configure the access to store documents +ASYNC_UPLOAD_TEMP_URL_KEY= +ASYNC_UPLOAD_TEMP_URL_BASE_PATH= +ASYNC_UPLOAD_TEMP_URL_CONTAINER= +# Twilio configuration, to check for the existence of phonenumber in a directory (may be deprecated in a near future) +TWILIO_SID= +TWILIO_SECRET= +# Default carrier code will replace all leading zero by an international code. Set here the country as two letters +DEFAULT_CARRIER_CODE=BE +# Configuration for the notification emails +NOTIFICATION_FROM_NAME=Chill +# Will set the default host when sending email from command or services (see +# Configuration for the component which allow to choose addresses +ADD_ADDRESS_DEFAULT_COUNTRY=BE +ADD_ADDRESS_MAP_CENTER_X=4.85719 +ADD_ADDRESS_MAP_CENTER_Y=50.46258 +ADD_ADDRESS_MAP_CENTER_Z=14 +# Variables for relatorio host, which generates documents +RELATORIO_HOST= +RELATORIO_PORT= +###< chill-project/chill-bundles ### diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index a67f91e..a7de87b 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -8,3 +8,14 @@ /var/ /vendor/ ###< symfony/framework-bundle ### + +###> symfony/webpack-encore-bundle ### +/node_modules/ +/public/build/ +npm-debug.log +yarn-error.log +###< symfony/webpack-encore-bundle ### + +###> lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ### +/config/jwt/*.pem +###< lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ### diff --git a/.idea/.gitignore b/.idea/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13566b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# Default ignored files +/shelf/ +/workspace.xml +# Editor-based HTTP Client requests +/httpRequests/ +# Datasource local storage ignored files +/dataSources/ +/dataSources.local.xml diff --git a/.nvmrc b/.nvmrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2edeafb --- /dev/null +++ b/.nvmrc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +20 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.symfony.local.yaml b/.symfony.local.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fad7fc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.symfony.local.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +workers: + docker_compose: ~ diff --git a/assets/app.js b/assets/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb0a6aa --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +/* + * Welcome to your app's main JavaScript file! + * + * We recommend including the built version of this JavaScript file + * (and its CSS file) in your base layout (base.html.twig). + */ + +// any CSS you import will output into a single css file (app.css in this case) +import './styles/app.css'; + +// start the Stimulus application +import './bootstrap'; diff --git a/assets/bootstrap.js b/assets/bootstrap.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ab2df6 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/bootstrap.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import { startStimulusApp } from '@symfony/stimulus-bridge'; + +// Registers Stimulus controllers from controllers.json and in the controllers/ directory +export const app = startStimulusApp(require.context( + '@symfony/stimulus-bridge/lazy-controller-loader!./controllers', + true, + /\.[jt]sx?$/ +)); + +// register any custom, 3rd party controllers here +// app.register('some_controller_name', SomeImportedController); diff --git a/assets/controllers.json b/assets/controllers.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1c6e90 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/controllers.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "controllers": [], + "entrypoints": [] +} diff --git a/assets/controllers/hello_controller.js b/assets/controllers/hello_controller.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e847027 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/controllers/hello_controller.js @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'; + +/* + * This is an example Stimulus controller! + * + * Any element with a data-controller="hello" attribute will cause + * this controller to be executed. The name "hello" comes from the filename: + * hello_controller.js -> "hello" + * + * Delete this file or adapt it for your use! + */ +export default class extends Controller { + connect() { + this.element.textContent = 'Hello Stimulus! Edit me in assets/controllers/hello_controller.js'; + } +} diff --git a/assets/styles/app.css b/assets/styles/app.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb33b13 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/styles/app.css @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +body { + background-color: lightgray; +} diff --git a/compose.override.yaml b/compose.override.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6532ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/compose.override.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +version: '3' + +services: +###> symfony/mailer ### + mailer: + image: axllent/mailpit + ports: + - "1025" + - "8025" + environment: + MP_SMTP_AUTH_ACCEPT_ANY: 1 + MP_SMTP_AUTH_ALLOW_INSECURE: 1 +###< symfony/mailer ### + +###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### + database: + ports: + - "5432" +###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### + +###> chill-project/chill-bundles ### + redis: + ports: + - 6379 + relatorio: + ports: + - 8888 +###< chill-project/chill-bundles ### diff --git a/compose.yaml b/compose.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b312fef --- /dev/null +++ b/compose.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +version: '3' + +services: +###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### + database: + image: postgis/postgis:${POSTGRES_VERSION:-16}-3.4-alpine + environment: + POSTGRES_DB: ${POSTGRES_DB:-app} + # You should definitely change the password in production + POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD:-!ChangeMe!} + POSTGRES_USER: ${POSTGRES_USER:-app} + volumes: + - database_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw + # You may use a bind-mounted host directory instead, so that it is harder to accidentally remove the volume and lose all your data! + # - ./docker/db/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw +###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### + +###> chill-project/chill-bundles ### + redis: + image: redis + relatorio: + image: +###< chill-project/chill-bundles ### + +volumes: +###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### + database_data: +###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json index 23094d7..5dcbba7 100644 --- a/composer.json +++ b/composer.json @@ -1,68 +1,78 @@ 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"allow-contrib": false, - "require": "5.4.*" - } + "sort-packages": true + }, + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "App\\": "src/" } + }, + "autoload-dev": { + "psr-4": { + "App\\Tests\\": "tests/" + } + }, + "replace": { + "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "*", + "symfony/polyfill-iconv": "*", + "symfony/polyfill-php72": "*" + }, + "scripts": { + "auto-scripts": { + "cache:clear": "symfony-cmd", + "assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd" + }, + "post-install-cmd": [ + "@auto-scripts" + ], + "post-update-cmd": [ + "@auto-scripts" + ] + }, + "conflict": { + "symfony/symfony": "*" + }, + "extra": { + "symfony": { + "allow-contrib": false, + "require": "5.4.*", + "endpoint": ["flex://defaults", ""], + "docker": true + } + }, + "require-dev": { + "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "^3.6", + "nelmio/alice": "^3.12", + "symfony/debug-bundle": "5.4.*", + "symfony/web-profiler-bundle": "5.4.*" + } } diff --git a/composer.lock b/composer.lock index d5b12a9..39da54f 100644 --- a/composer.lock +++ b/composer.lock @@ -4,8 +4,4273 @@ "Read more about it at", "This file is @generated automatically" ], - "content-hash": "e5b48b46cc68536c0f6497e15a39811e", + "content-hash": "ff6df1a73b9d5656e2e4a9c02d2bcdcf", "packages": [ + { + "name": "brick/math", + "version": "0.12.1", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "f510c0a40911935b77b86859eb5223d58d660df1" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "f510c0a40911935b77b86859eb5223d58d660df1", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": "^8.1" + }, + "require-dev": { + "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.2", + "phpunit/phpunit": "^10.1", + "vimeo/psalm": "5.16.0" + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Brick\\Math\\": "src/" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "description": "Arbitrary-precision arithmetic library", + "keywords": [ + "Arbitrary-precision", + "BigInteger", + "BigRational", + "arithmetic", + "bigdecimal", + "bignum", + "bignumber", + 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"Michael Simonson", + "email": "" + } + ], + "description": "PHP Doctrine Migrations project offer additional functionality on top of the database abstraction layer (DBAL) for versioning your database schema and easily deploying changes to it. It is a very easy to use and a powerful tool.", + "homepage": "", + "keywords": [ + "database", + "dbal", + "migrations" + ], + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "funding": [ + { + "url": "", + "type": "custom" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "patreon" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "tidelift" + } + ], + "time": "2024-06-26T14:12:46+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "doctrine/orm", + "version": "2.19.6", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "c1bb2ccf4b19c845f91ff7c4c01dc7cbba7f4073" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "c1bb2ccf4b19c845f91ff7c4c01dc7cbba7f4073", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "composer-runtime-api": "^2", + "doctrine/cache": "^1.12.1 || ^2.1.1", + "doctrine/collections": "^1.5 || ^2.1", + "doctrine/common": "^3.0.3", + "doctrine/dbal": "^2.13.1 || ^3.2", + "doctrine/deprecations": "^0.5.3 || ^1", + "doctrine/event-manager": "^1.2 || ^2", + "doctrine/inflector": "^1.4 || ^2.0", + "doctrine/instantiator": 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cache support for Setup Tool with doctrine/cache 2.0", + "symfony/yaml": "If you want to use YAML Metadata Mapping Driver" + }, + "bin": [ + "bin/doctrine" + ], + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Doctrine\\ORM\\": "src" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Guilherme Blanco", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Roman Borschel", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Benjamin Eberlei", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Jonathan Wage", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Marco Pivetta", + "email": "" + } + ], + "description": "Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP", + "homepage": "", + "keywords": [ + "database", + "orm" + ], + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "time": "2024-06-26T17:24:40+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "doctrine/persistence", + "version": "3.3.3", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "b337726451f5d530df338fc7f68dee8781b49779" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + 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Should conform to the current spec.", + "homepage": "", + "keywords": [ + "jwt", + "php" + ], + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "time": "2024-05-18T18:05:11+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php", + "version": "8.13.40", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "795e0b760e5c439b6fa1ffa787c1d90c2face1ff" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "795e0b760e5c439b6fa1ffa787c1d90c2face1ff", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "giggsey/locale": "^1.7|^2.0", + "php": ">=5.3.2", + "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "^1.17" + }, + "replace": { + "giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php-lite": "self.version" + }, + "require-dev": { + "pear/pear-core-minimal": "^1.9", + "pear/pear_exception": "^1.0", + "pear/versioncontrol_git": "^0.5", + "phing/phing": "^2.7", + "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^1.0|^2.0", + "symfony/console": "^2.8|^3.0|^v4.4|^v5.2", + "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^4.2 || ^5" + }, + "type": "library", + "extra": { + 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"^1.0" + }, + "suggest": { + "ext-openssl": "Allows to use OpenSSL as crypto engine.", + "phpseclib/phpseclib": "Allows to use Phpseclib as crypto engine, use version ^2.0." + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Namshi\\JOSE\\": "src/Namshi/JOSE/" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Alessandro Nadalin", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Alessandro Cinelli (cirpo)", + "email": "" + } + ], + "description": "JSON Object Signing and Encryption library for PHP.", + "keywords": [ + "JSON Web Signature", + "JSON Web Token", + "JWS", + "json", + "jwt", + "token" + ], + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "time": "2016-12-05T07:27:31+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "nyholm/psr7", + "version": "1.8.1", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "aa5fc277a4f5508013d571341ade0c3886d4d00e" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "aa5fc277a4f5508013d571341ade0c3886d4d00e", + 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^7.0", + "symfony/serializer": "^5.4 || ^6.3 || ^7.0", + "symfony/twig-bundle": "^5.4 || ^6.3 || ^7.0", + "symfony/validator": "^5.4 || ^6.3 || ^7.0" + }, + "suggest": { + "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "Add a DBAL mapping type", + "symfony/form": "Add a data transformer", + "symfony/property-access": "Choose a path in the validation constraint", + "symfony/serializer": "Serialize/deserialize phone numbers using Symfony library", + "symfony/twig-bundle": "Format phone numbers in Twig templates", + "symfony/validator": "Add a validation constraint" + }, + "type": "symfony-bundle", + "extra": { + "branch-alias": { + "dev-master": "3.10.x-dev" + } + }, + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Misd\\PhoneNumberBundle\\": "src/" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "description": "Integrates libphonenumber into your Symfony application", + "homepage": "", + "keywords": [ + "bundle", + "libphonenumber", + "phone-number", + "phonenumber", + "telephone number" + ], + "support": 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}, + { + "name": "paragonie/constant_time_encoding", + "version": "v2.7.0", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "52a0d99e69f56b9ec27ace92ba56897fe6993105" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "52a0d99e69f56b9ec27ace92ba56897fe6993105", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": "^7|^8" + }, + "require-dev": { + "phpunit/phpunit": "^6|^7|^8|^9", + "vimeo/psalm": "^1|^2|^3|^4" + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\": "src/" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", + "email": "", + "homepage": "", + "role": "Maintainer" + }, + { + "name": "Steve 'Sc00bz' Thomas", + "email": "", + "homepage": "", + "role": "Original Developer" + } + ], + "description": "Constant-time Implementations of RFC 4648 Encoding (Base-64, Base-32, Base-16)", + "keywords": [ + "base16", + "base32", + "base32_decode", + "base32_encode", + "base64", + "base64_decode", + "base64_encode", + "bin2hex", + "encoding", + "hex", + "hex2bin", + "rfc4648" + ], + "support": { + "email": "", + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "time": "2024-05-08T12:18:48+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "paragonie/random_compat", + "version": "v9.99.100", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": ">= 7" + }, + "require-dev": { + "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*", + "vimeo/psalm": "^1" + }, + "suggest": { + "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes." + }, + "type": "library", + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", + "email": "", + "homepage": "" + } + ], + "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from 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"psr/simple-cache": "^1.0 || ^2.0 || ^3.0" + }, + "require-dev": { + "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "dev-main", + "dompdf/dompdf": "^1.0 || ^2.0", + "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^3.2", + "mitoteam/jpgraph": "^10.3", + "mpdf/mpdf": "^8.1.1", + "phpcompatibility/php-compatibility": "^9.3", + "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.1", + "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1.0", + "phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5 || ^9.0 || ^10.0", + "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.7", + "tecnickcom/tcpdf": "^6.5" + }, + "suggest": { + "dompdf/dompdf": "Option for rendering PDF with PDF Writer", + "ext-intl": "PHP Internationalization Functions", + "mitoteam/jpgraph": "Option for rendering charts, or including charts with PDF or HTML Writers", + "mpdf/mpdf": "Option for rendering PDF with PDF Writer", + "tecnickcom/tcpdf": "Option for rendering PDF with PDF Writer" + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheet\\": "src/PhpSpreadsheet" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Maarten Balliauw", + "homepage": "" + }, + { + "name": "Mark Baker", + "homepage": "" + }, + { + "name": "Franck Lefevre", + "homepage": "" + }, + { + "name": "Erik Tilt" + }, + { + "name": "Adrien Crivelli" + } + ], + "description": "PHPSpreadsheet - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine", + "homepage": "", + "keywords": [ + "OpenXML", + "excel", + "gnumeric", + "ods", + "php", + "spreadsheet", + "xls", + "xlsx" + ], + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "time": "2023-06-14T22:48:31+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "phpseclib/phpseclib", + "version": "3.0.39", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "211ebc399c6e73c225a018435fe5ae209d1d1485" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "211ebc399c6e73c225a018435fe5ae209d1d1485", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "paragonie/constant_time_encoding": "^1|^2|^3", + "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2.0|^9.99.99", + "php": ">=5.6.1" + }, + "require-dev": { + "phpunit/phpunit": "*" + }, + "suggest": { + "ext-dom": "Install the DOM extension to load XML formatted public keys.", + "ext-gmp": "Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.", + "ext-libsodium": "SSH2/SFTP can make use of some algorithms provided by the libsodium-php extension.", + "ext-mcrypt": "Install the Mcrypt extension in order to speed up a few other cryptographic operations.", + "ext-openssl": "Install the OpenSSL extension in order to speed up a wide variety of cryptographic operations." + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "files": [ + "phpseclib/bootstrap.php" + ], + "psr-4": { + "phpseclib3\\": "phpseclib/" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Jim Wigginton", + "email": "", + "role": "Lead Developer" + }, + { + "name": "Patrick Monnerat", + "email": "", + "role": "Developer" + }, + { + "name": "Andreas Fischer", + "email": "", + "role": "Developer" + }, + { + "name": "Hans-Jürgen Petrich", + "email": "", + "role": "Developer" + }, + { + "name": "Graham Campbell", + "email": "", + "role": "Developer" + } + ], + "description": "PHP Secure Communications Library - Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.", + "homepage": "", + "keywords": [ + "BigInteger", + "aes", + "asn.1", + "asn1", + "blowfish", + "crypto", + "cryptography", + "encryption", + "rsa", + "security", + "sftp", + "signature", + "signing", + "ssh", + "twofish", + "x.509", + "x509" + ], + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "funding": [ + { + "url": "", + "type": "github" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "patreon" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "tidelift" + } + ], + "time": "2024-06-24T06:27:33+00:00" + }, { "name": "psr/cache", "version": "2.0.0", @@ -55,6 +4320,54 @@ }, "time": "2021-02-03T23:23:37+00:00" }, + { + "name": "psr/clock", + "version": "1.0.0", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "e41a24703d4560fd0acb709162f73b8adfc3aa0d" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "e41a24703d4560fd0acb709162f73b8adfc3aa0d", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": "^7.0 || ^8.0" + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Psr\\Clock\\": "src/" + } + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "PHP-FIG", + "homepage": "" + } + ], + "description": "Common interface for reading the clock.", + "homepage": "", + "keywords": [ + "clock", + "now", + "psr", + "psr-20", + "time" + ], + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "time": "2022-11-25T14:36:26+00:00" + }, { "name": "psr/container", "version": "1.1.2", @@ -153,6 +4466,166 @@ }, "time": "2019-01-08T18:20:26+00:00" }, + { + "name": "psr/http-client", + "version": "1.0.3", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "bb5906edc1c324c9a05aa0873d40117941e5fa90" + 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"authors": [ + { + "name": "Ralph Khattar", + "email": "" + } + ], + "description": "A polyfill for getallheaders.", + "support": { + "issues": "", + "source": "" + }, + "time": "2019-03-08T08:55:37+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "ramsey/collection", + "version": "2.0.0", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "a4b48764bfbb8f3a6a4d1aeb1a35bb5e9ecac4a5" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "a4b48764bfbb8f3a6a4d1aeb1a35bb5e9ecac4a5", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": "^8.1" + }, + "require-dev": { + "captainhook/plugin-composer": "^5.3", + "ergebnis/composer-normalize": "^2.28.3", + "fakerphp/faker": "^1.21", + "hamcrest/hamcrest-php": "^2.0", + "jangregor/phpstan-prophecy": "^1.0", + "mockery/mockery": "^1.5", + "php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter": "^1.0", + "php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "^1.3", + "phpcsstandards/phpcsutils": "^1.0.0-rc1", + "phpspec/prophecy-phpunit": "^2.0", + "phpstan/extension-installer": "^1.2", + 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handlers together with the response life cycle of the HTTP kernel.", + "symfony/var-dumper": "For using the debugging handlers like the console handler or the log server handler." + }, + "type": "symfony-bridge", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Symfony\\Bridge\\Monolog\\": "" + }, + "exclude-from-classmap": [ + "/Tests/" + ] + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Fabien Potencier", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Symfony Community", + "homepage": "" + } + ], + "description": "Provides integration for Monolog with various Symfony components", + "homepage": "", + "support": { + "source": "" + }, + "funding": [ + { + "url": "", + "type": "custom" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "github" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "tidelift" + } + ], + "time": "2024-05-31T14:33:22+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "symfony/monolog-bundle", + "version": "v3.10.0", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": 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"/Tests/" + ] + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Fabien Potencier", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Symfony Community", + "homepage": "" + } + ], + "description": "Symfony Security Component - CSRF Library", + "homepage": "", + "support": { + "source": "" + }, + "funding": [ + { + "url": "", + "type": "custom" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "github" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "tidelift" + } + ], + "time": "2024-05-31T14:33:22+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "symfony/security-guard", + "version": "v5.4.40", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "d930fd327c290f451c9d8dd7889169195d4484e9" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "d930fd327c290f451c9d8dd7889169195d4484e9", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": ">=7.2.5", + "symfony/deprecation-contracts": "^2.1|^3", + "symfony/polyfill-php80": "^1.15", + "symfony/security-core": "^5.0", + "symfony/security-http": "^5.3" + }, + 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"psr-4": { + "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\": "" + }, + "exclude-from-classmap": [ + "/Tests/" + ] + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Fabien Potencier", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Symfony Community", + "homepage": "" + } + ], + "description": "Symfony Security Component - HTTP Integration", + "homepage": "", + "support": { + "source": "" + }, + "funding": [ + { + "url": "", + "type": "custom" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "github" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "tidelift" + } + ], + "time": "2024-06-17T05:58:45+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "symfony/serializer", + "version": "v5.4.41", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "c97dba58c2fb36dee0381da84952cad21c49b6fb" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "c97dba58c2fb36dee0381da84952cad21c49b6fb", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": ">=7.2.5", + "symfony/deprecation-contracts": "^2.1|^3", + "symfony/polyfill-ctype": 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and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON.", + "homepage": "", + "support": { + "source": "" + }, + "funding": [ + { + "url": "", + "type": "custom" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "github" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "tidelift" + } + ], + "time": "2024-06-27T16:09:31+00:00" + }, { "name": "symfony/service-contracts", "version": "v2.5.3", @@ -2274,6 +10067,68 @@ ], "time": "2023-04-21T15:04:16+00:00" }, + { + "name": "symfony/stopwatch", + "version": "v5.4.40", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "0e9daf3b7c805c747638b2cc48f1649e594f9625" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "", + "reference": "0e9daf3b7c805c747638b2cc48f1649e594f9625", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "php": ">=7.2.5", + "symfony/service-contracts": "^1|^2|^3" + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Symfony\\Component\\Stopwatch\\": "" + }, + "exclude-from-classmap": [ + "/Tests/" + ] + }, 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+ "suggest": { + "psr/log-implementation": "To use logging capability in translator", + "symfony/config": "", + "symfony/yaml": "" + }, + "type": "library", + "autoload": { + "files": [ + "Resources/functions.php" + ], + "psr-4": { + "Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\": "" + }, + "exclude-from-classmap": [ + "/Tests/" + ] + }, + "notification-url": "", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Fabien Potencier", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Symfony Community", + "homepage": "" + } + ], + "description": "Provides tools to internationalize your application", + "homepage": "", + "support": { + "source": "" + }, + "funding": [ + { + "url": "", + "type": "custom" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "github" + }, + { + "url": "", + "type": "tidelift" + } + ], + "time": "2024-05-31T14:33:22+00:00" + }, + { + "name": "symfony/translation-contracts", + "version": "v2.5.3", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "reference": "b0073a77ac0b7ea55131020e87b1e3af540f4664" + }, 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Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\SensioFrameworkExtraBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Misd\PhoneNumberBundle\MisdPhoneNumberBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Lexik\Bundle\JWTAuthenticationBundle\LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle::class => ['all' => true], + KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\KnpUOAuth2ClientBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\KnpTimeBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle::class => ['all' => true], + loophp\PsrHttpMessageBridgeBundle\PsrHttpMessageBridgeBundle::class => ['all' => true], + ChampsLibres\WopiBundle\WopiBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\MainBundle\ChillMainBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\PersonBundle\ChillPersonBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\CustomFieldsBundle\ChillCustomFieldsBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\ActivityBundle\ChillActivityBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\DocStoreBundle\ChillDocStoreBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\DocGeneratorBundle\ChillDocGeneratorBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\AsideActivityBundle\ChillAsideActivityBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\CalendarBundle\ChillCalendarBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\TaskBundle\ChillTaskBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\ThirdPartyBundle\ChillThirdPartyBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\BudgetBundle\ChillBudgetBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\WopiBundle\ChillWopiBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Chill\EventBundle\ChillEventBundle::class => ['all' => true], + Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle::class => ['dev' => true, 'test' => true], + Nelmio\Alice\Bridge\Symfony\NelmioAliceBundle::class => ['dev' => true, 'test' => true], + Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\DebugBundle::class => ['dev' => true], + Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\WebProfilerBundle::class => ['dev' => true, 'test' => true], ]; diff --git a/config/packages/cache_chill.yaml b/config/packages/cache_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71877b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/cache_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +framework: + cache: + default_redis_provider: '%env(resolve:REDIS_URL)%' + pools: + cache.user_data: + adapter: cache.adapter.redis + public: true + default_lifetime: 300 # 5 minutes + + # will be used in chill_main.tag_aware_cache service + cache.tags: + adapter: cache.adapter.redis + public: false + default_lifetime: 300 diff --git a/config/packages/chill.yaml b/config/packages/chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76578a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +chill_main: + available_languages: [ '%env(resolve:LOCALE)%', 'en' ] + available_countries: ['BE', 'FR'] + notifications: + from_email: '%env(resolve:NOTIFICATION_FROM_EMAIL)%' + from_name: '%env(resolve:NOTIFICATION_FROM_NAME)%' + host: '%env(resolve:NOTIFICATION_HOST)%' + redis: + host: '%env(resolve:REDIS_HOST)%' + port: '%env(resolve:REDIS_PORT)%' + phone_helper: + twilio_sid: '%env(resolve:TWILIO_SID)%' + twilio_secret: '%env(resolve:TWILIO_SECRET)%' + default_carrier_code: '%env(resolve:DEFAULT_CARRIER_CODE)%' + short_messages: + dsn: '%env(string:SHORT_MESSAGE_DSN)%' + acl: + form_show_scopes: true + form_show_centers: true + access_global_history: false + access_user_change_password: true + access_permissions_group_list: true + add_address: + default_country: '%env(string:ADD_ADDRESS_DEFAULT_COUNTRY)%' + map_center: + x: '%env(float:ADD_ADDRESS_MAP_CENTER_X)%' + y: '%env(float:ADD_ADDRESS_MAP_CENTER_Y)%' + z: '%env(float:ADD_ADDRESS_MAP_CENTER_Z)%' + +when@test: + chill_main: + available_languages: + - 'fr' + - 'en' + +chill_custom_fields: + show_empty_values_in_views: false + +chill_person: + create_person_allowed: false + create_parcours_allowed: false + allow_multiple_simultaneous_accompanying_periods: true + accompanying_periods_fields: + user: visible + # createdBy, step, origin, intensity, scopes, requestor, anonymous, emergency, confidential : visible(default) | hidden + person_fields: + acceptEmail: hidden + alt_names: + - key: jeune_fille + labels: + lang: fr + label: Nom de naissance + marital_status: visible + civility: visible + deathdate: visible + validation: + center_required: true + +chill_activity: + form: + time_duration: + - + label: '5 minutes' + seconds: 300 + - + label: '10 minutes' + seconds: 600 + - + label: '15 minutes' + seconds: 900 + - + label: '20 minutes' + seconds: 1200 + - + label: '25 minutes' + seconds: 1500 + - + label: '30 minutes' + seconds: 1800 + - + label: '45 minutes' + seconds: 2700 + - + label: '1 hour' + seconds: 3600 + - + label: '1 hour 15' + seconds: 4500 + - + label: '1 hour 30' + seconds: 5400 + - + label: '1 hour 45' + seconds: 6300 + - + label: '2 hours' + seconds: 7200 + - + label: '2 hours 15' + seconds: 8100 + - + label: '2 hours 30' + seconds: 9000 + - + label: '2 hours 45' + seconds: 9900 + - + label: '3 hours' + seconds: 10800 + - + label: '3 hours 30' + seconds: 12600 + - + label: '4 hours' + seconds: 14400 + - + label: '4 hours 30' + seconds: 16200 + - + label: '5 hours' + seconds: 18000 diff --git a/config/packages/chill_budget.yaml b/config/packages/chill_budget.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..853dc19 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/chill_budget.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +chill_budget: + resources: + - { key: fixed_contract, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Salarié en CDI" }]} + - { key: temporary_contract, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Salarié en CDD"}]} + - { key: interim, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Salarié en intérim"}]} + - { key: other_revenues, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Revenus non salariés, commerçant, artisan,..."}]} + - { key: agricultural_activity, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Exploitant agricole"}]} + - { key: chomage_ass, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Allocations chômage ASS"}]} + - { key: chomage_are, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Allocations chômage ARE"}]} + - { key: remuneration_stage, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Rémunération de stage, d’apprentissage,..."}]} + - { key: daily_allowences, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Indemnités journalières"}]} + - { key: others, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Autres"}]} + - { key: pension, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Pension de retraite"}]} + - { key: invalidity, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Pension d'invalidité"}]} + - { key: reversion, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Pension de réversion"}]} + - { key: widowhood, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Pension de veuvage"}]} + - { key: military, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Pension militaire"}]} + - { key: food, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Pension alimentaire"}]} + - { key: compensation, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Pension de prestation compensatoire"}]} + - { key: allocation_handicap_adult, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Allocation aux adultes handicapés"}]} + - { key: rsa, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "RSA"}]} + - { key: annuity_accident, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Rente accident"}]} + - { key: premium_al_pl, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Prime d’activité AL/APL au bénéficiaire"}]} + - { key: premium_thirdparty, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Prime d’activité versé au tiers"}]} + - { key: other_income, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Autres ressources (ARS, ...)"}]} + - { key: allocation_family, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Allocations familiales"}]} + - { key: allocation_basic, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Allocation de base"}]} + - { key: free_choice_saving, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Complément de libre choix du mode de garde"}]} + - { key: shared_benefits_child, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Prestation partagée éducation de l’enfant"}]} + - { key: complimentary_family, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Complément familial"}]} + - { key: allocation_family_support, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Allocation de soutien familial"}]} + - { key: allocation_education_child_handicap, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Allocation d’éducation de l’enfant handicapé"}]} + + charges: + - { key: rent, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Loyer" }]} + - { key: home_ownership, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Accession à la propriété" }]} + - { key: costs_accomodation, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Frais d’hébergement" }]} + - { key: home_insurance, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Assurance habitation" }]} + - { key: taxes, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Impôts (taxe habitation, taxe foncière, ordures ménagères, redevances incitatives)" }]} + - { key: impots, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Impôts"}]} + - { key: electricity, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Electricité" }]} + - { key: gas, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Gaz en bouteille" }]} + - { key: heating, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Autre moyen de chauffage" }]} + - { key: water, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Eau" }]} + - { key: school_fees, labels: [ { lang: fr, label: "Frais de scolarité"}]} + - { key: alimony, labels: [ { lang: fr, label: "Pension alimentaire à reverser"}]} + - { key: child_care, labels: [ { lang: fr, label: "Frais de garde (en totalité)"}]} + - { key: telecom, labels: [ { lang: fr, label: "Frais de communication fixe"}]} + - { key: mobilephone, labels: [ { lang: fr, label: "Frais de communication mobile"}]} + - { key: internet, labels: [ { lang: fr, label: "Frais de communication internet"}]} + - { key: insurance, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Assurances"}]} + - { key: debt_commission, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Saisine de la commission surendettement"}]} + - { key: recovery_plan, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "Plan de redressement"}]} + - { key: rpr, labels: [{ lang: fr, label: "PRP"}]} + - { key: moratoire, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Moratoire"}]} + - { key: mutuelle, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Mutuelle"}]} + - { key: transport, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Frais de transport"}]} + - { key: decouvbank, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Découvert bancaire utilisé"}]} + - { key: procsaisie, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Procédure de saisie"}]} + - { key: indus, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Indus"}]} + - { key: apurement, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Plan d'apurement"}]} + - { key: debt_rent, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de loyer (hors APL)"}]} + - { key: debt_property, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'accession à la propriété"}]} + - { key: debt_lodging, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de frais d’hébergement"}]} + - { key: debt_electricity, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'électricité"}]} + - { key: debt_water, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'eau"}]} + - { key: debt_heating, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'autre moyen de chauffage"}]} + - { key: debt_gas, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de gaz en bouteille"}]} + - { key: debt_house_insurance, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'assurance habitation"}]} + - { key: debt_housing_taxes, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'impôts liées au logement"}]} + - { key: debt_taxes, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'impôts autres"}]} + - { key: debt_school, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de frais de scolarité (cantine, transport, frais de scolarité, frais de garde)"}]} + - { key: debt_alimentation, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de pension alimentaire à reverser"}]} + - { key: debt_childcare, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de frais de garde (en totalité)"}]} + - { key: debt_phone, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de communication fixe"}]} + - { key: debt_mobile, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de communication portable"}]} + - { key: debt_internet, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de communication internet"}]} + - { key: debt_car_insurance, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette d'assurance auto"}]} + - { key: debt_mutual, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de mutuelle"}]} + - { key: debt_transport, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de frais de transport"}]} + - { key: debt_bank, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de découvert bancaire utilisé"}]} + - { key: debt_garbage, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette de taxe d’ordures ménagère"}]} + - { key: debt_other, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Dette autre"}]} + - { key: autre, labels: [{lang: fr, label: "Autre"}]} + diff --git a/config/packages/chill_calendar.yaml b/config/packages/chill_calendar.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7eedf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/chill_calendar.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +chill_calendar: + remote_calendars_sync: + enabled: false diff --git a/config/packages/chill_doc_generator.yaml b/config/packages/chill_doc_generator.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e5bf86 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/chill_doc_generator.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +chill_doc_generator: + driver: + type: relatorio + relatorio: + url: 'http://%env(RELATORIO_HOST)%:%env(RELATORIO_PORT)%/' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/packages/chill_doc_store.yaml b/config/packages/chill_doc_store.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..994e192 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/chill_doc_store.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +chill_doc_store: + openstack: + temp_url: + temp_url_key: '%env(resolve:ASYNC_UPLOAD_TEMP_URL_KEY)%' # Required + container: '%env(resolve:ASYNC_UPLOAD_TEMP_URL_CONTAINER)%' # Required + temp_url_base_path: '%env(resolve:ASYNC_UPLOAD_TEMP_URL_BASE_PATH)%' # Required diff --git a/config/packages/debug.yaml b/config/packages/debug.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad874af --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/debug.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +when@dev: + debug: + # Forwards VarDumper Data clones to a centralized server allowing to inspect dumps on CLI or in your browser. + # See the "server:dump" command to start a new server. + dump_destination: "tcp://%env(VAR_DUMPER_SERVER)%" diff --git a/config/packages/doctrine.yaml b/config/packages/doctrine.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c3be09 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/doctrine.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +doctrine: + dbal: + url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%' + + # IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version, + # either here or in the DATABASE_URL env var (see .env file) + #server_version: '16' + use_savepoints: true + orm: + auto_generate_proxy_classes: true + naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default + auto_mapping: true + mappings: + App: + is_bundle: false + dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity' + prefix: 'App\Entity' + alias: App + +when@test: + doctrine: + dbal: + # "TEST_TOKEN" is typically set by ParaTest + dbname_suffix: '_test%env(default::TEST_TOKEN)%' + +when@prod: + doctrine: + orm: + auto_generate_proxy_classes: false + proxy_dir: '%kernel.build_dir%/doctrine/orm/Proxies' + query_cache_driver: + type: pool + pool: doctrine.system_cache_pool + result_cache_driver: + type: pool + pool: doctrine.result_cache_pool + + framework: + cache: + pools: + doctrine.result_cache_pool: + adapter: + doctrine.system_cache_pool: + adapter: cache.system diff --git a/config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml b/config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29231d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +doctrine_migrations: + migrations_paths: + # namespace is arbitrary but should be different from App\Migrations + # as migrations classes should NOT be autoloaded + 'DoctrineMigrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations' + enable_profiler: false diff --git a/config/packages/doctrine_migrations_chill.yaml b/config/packages/doctrine_migrations_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81c1074 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/doctrine_migrations_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +doctrine_migrations: + migrations_paths: + # migrations for default chill modules + 'Chill\Migrations\Main': '@ChillMainBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\Activity': '@ChillActivityBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\DocStore': '@ChillDocStoreBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\CustomFields': '@ChillCustomFieldsBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\Event': '@ChillEventBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\Person': '@ChillPersonBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\Task': '@ChillTaskBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\ThirdParty': '@ChillThirdPartyBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\DocGenerator': '@ChillDocGeneratorBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\AsideActivity': '@ChillAsideActivityBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\Calendar': '@ChillCalendarBundle/migrations' + 'Chill\Migrations\Budget': '@ChillBudgetBundle/migrations' + all_or_nothing: + true + + services: + 'Doctrine\Migrations\Version\Comparator': 'Chill\MainBundle\Doctrine\Migrations\VersionComparator' diff --git a/config/packages/framework_chill.yaml b/config/packages/framework_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..051d36d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/framework_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +framework: + assets: + json_manifest_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/build/manifest.json' diff --git a/config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml b/config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05e8533 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +knpu_oauth2_client: + clients: + # configure your clients as described here: diff --git a/config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml b/config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edfb69d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +lexik_jwt_authentication: + secret_key: '%env(resolve:JWT_SECRET_KEY)%' + public_key: '%env(resolve:JWT_PUBLIC_KEY)%' + pass_phrase: '%env(JWT_PASSPHRASE)%' diff --git a/config/packages/loophp_psr17.yaml b/config/packages/loophp_psr17.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b548137 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/loophp_psr17.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +services: + # Register loophp/psr17/Psr17 class and autowire/autoconfigure it. + loophp\psr17\Psr17: + autowire: true + autoconfigure: true + + # Alias the service to the Psr17 interface. + loophp\psr17\Psr17Interface: '@loophp\psr17\Psr17' diff --git a/config/packages/mailer.yaml b/config/packages/mailer.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56a650d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/mailer.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +framework: + mailer: + dsn: '%env(MAILER_DSN)%' diff --git a/config/packages/mailer_chill.yaml b/config/packages/mailer_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..041ea79 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/mailer_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +framework: + mailer: + envelope: + sender: '%env(NOTIFICATION_FROM_EMAIL)%' diff --git a/config/packages/messenger.yaml b/config/packages/messenger.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aa3bdf --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/messenger.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +framework: + messenger: + # reset services after consuming messages + reset_on_message: true + + # Uncomment this (and the failed transport below) to send failed messages to this transport for later handling. + # failure_transport: failed + + transports: + # those transports are added by chill-bundles recipes + async: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%' + priority: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%' + # end of transports added by chill-bundles recipes + # + # async: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%' + # failed: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=failed' + # sync: 'sync://' + + routing: + # routes added by chill-bundles recipes + 'Chill\CalendarBundle\Messenger\Message\CalendarRangeMessage': async + 'Chill\CalendarBundle\Messenger\Message\CalendarRangeRemovedMessage': async + 'Chill\CalendarBundle\Messenger\Message\CalendarRemovedMessage': async + 'Chill\CalendarBundle\Messenger\Message\CalendarMessage': async + 'Chill\CalendarBundle\Messenger\Message\InviteUpdateMessage': async + 'Chill\CalendarBundle\Messenger\Message\MSGraphChangeNotificationMessage': async + 'Chill\MainBundle\Service\ShortMessage\ShortMessage': async + 'Chill\DocGeneratorBundle\Service\Messenger\RequestGenerationMessage': priority + # end of routes added by chill-bundles recipes + # Route your messages to the transports + # 'App\Message\YourMessage': async diff --git a/config/packages/misd_phone_number.yaml b/config/packages/misd_phone_number.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9970e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/misd_phone_number.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# To persist libphonenumber\PhoneNumber objects, add the Misd\PhoneNumberBundle\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\PhoneNumberType mapping to your application's config. +# This requires: doctrine/doctrine-bundle +#doctrine: +# dbal: +# types: +# phone_number: Misd\PhoneNumberBundle\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\PhoneNumberType diff --git a/config/packages/monolog.yaml b/config/packages/monolog.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9db7d8a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/monolog.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +monolog: + channels: + - deprecation # Deprecations are logged in the dedicated "deprecation" channel when it exists + +when@dev: + monolog: + handlers: + main: + type: stream + path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log" + level: debug + channels: ["!event"] + # uncomment to get logging in your browser + # you may have to allow bigger header sizes in your Web server configuration + #firephp: + # type: firephp + # level: info + #chromephp: + # type: chromephp + # level: info + console: + type: console + process_psr_3_messages: false + channels: ["!event", "!doctrine", "!console"] + +when@test: + monolog: + handlers: + main: + type: fingers_crossed + action_level: error + handler: nested + excluded_http_codes: [404, 405] + channels: ["!event"] + nested: + type: stream + path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log" + level: debug + +when@prod: + monolog: + handlers: + main: + type: fingers_crossed + action_level: error + handler: nested + excluded_http_codes: [404, 405] + buffer_size: 50 # How many messages should be saved? Prevent memory leaks + nested: + type: stream + path: php://stderr + level: debug + formatter: monolog.formatter.json + console: + type: console + process_psr_3_messages: false + channels: ["!event", "!doctrine"] + deprecation: + type: stream + channels: [deprecation] + path: php://stderr + formatter: monolog.formatter.json diff --git a/config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml b/config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e82c329 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +when@dev: &dev + nelmio_alice: + functions_blacklist: + - 'current' + - 'shuffle' + - 'date' + - 'time' + - 'file' + - 'md5' + - 'sha1' + +when@test: *dev diff --git a/config/packages/nyholm_psr7.yaml b/config/packages/nyholm_psr7.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade8312 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/nyholm_psr7.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +services: + # Register nyholm/psr7 services for autowiring with PSR-17 (HTTP factories) + Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface: '@nyholm.psr7.psr17_factory' + Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface: '@nyholm.psr7.psr17_factory' + Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestFactoryInterface: '@nyholm.psr7.psr17_factory' + Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface: '@nyholm.psr7.psr17_factory' + Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileFactoryInterface: '@nyholm.psr7.psr17_factory' + Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface: '@nyholm.psr7.psr17_factory' + + nyholm.psr7.psr17_factory: + class: Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory diff --git a/config/packages/ramsey_uuid_doctrine.yaml b/config/packages/ramsey_uuid_doctrine.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfc3036 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/ramsey_uuid_doctrine.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +doctrine: + dbal: + types: + uuid: 'Ramsey\Uuid\Doctrine\UuidType' diff --git a/config/packages/routing_chill.yaml b/config/packages/routing_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca2bc8d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/routing_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +parameters: + composed_uri: 'https://%env(resolve:NOTIFICATION_HOST)%' + +framework: + router: + # Configure how to generate URLs in non-HTTP contexts, such as CLI commands. + # See + default_uri: '%composed_uri%' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/packages/security.yaml b/config/packages/security.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1955618 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/security.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +security: + enable_authenticator_manager: true + # + password_hashers: + Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface: 'auto' + # + providers: + # providers added by chill-bundles recipes + # those providers are required to make chill working + chill_chain_provider: + chain: + providers: [chill_in_memory, chill_users] + chill_in_memory: + memory: + users: + admin: { password: '%env(resolve:ADMIN_PASSWORD)%', roles: ['ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH', 'ROLE_USER'] } + chill_users: + id: chill.main.user_provider + # end of providers added by chill-bundles recipes + firewalls: + dev: + pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/ + security: false + # those lines are added by chill-bundles recipe, and are requires to make chill-bundles working + # this firewall is in use for wopi endpoint, which requires + wopi: + pattern: ^/wopi + provider: chill_chain_provider + stateless: true + guard: + authenticators: + - lexik_jwt_authentication.jwt_token_authenticator + dav: + pattern: ^/dav + provider: chill_chain_provider + stateless: true + guard: + authenticators: + - Chill\DocStoreBundle\Security\Guard\JWTOnDavUrlAuthenticator + # this firewall is the main firewall for chill. It should be the last one in the stack, + # unless you have specific needs + chill_main: + provider: chill_chain_provider + form_login: + csrf_parameter: _csrf_token + csrf_token_id: authenticate + #csrf_provider: security.csrf.token_manager + logout: + path: /logout + switch_user: true + # end of lines added by chill-bundles recipe + + # Easy way to control access for large sections of your site + # Note: Only the *first* access control that matches will be used + access_control: + # those lines are added by chill-bundles recipes, and are requires to make chill-bundles working + - { path: ^/(login|logout), roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } + - { path: ^/public, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } + - { path: ^/wopi, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY } + # access for homepage, the homepage redirect admin to admin section + - { path: ^/$, roles: [ IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED ] } + - { path: ^/homepage$, roles: [ IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED ] } + # idem + - { path: ^/([a-z]+/)?homepage, roles: [ IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED ] } + # admin section, only for admin + - { path: ^/([a-z]+/)?admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN } + # other pages, only for regular user (no admin) + - { path: ^/, roles: ROLE_USER } + # this is the end of line added by chill-project/chill-bundles recipes + # - { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN } + # - { path: ^/profile, roles: ROLE_USER } + +when@test: + security: + password_hashers: + # By default, password hashers are resource intensive and take time. This is + # important to generate secure password hashes. In tests however, secure hashes + # are not important, waste resources and increase test times. The following + # reduces the work factor to the lowest possible values. + Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface: + algorithm: auto + cost: 4 # Lowest possible value for bcrypt + time_cost: 3 # Lowest possible value for argon + memory_cost: 10 # Lowest possible value for argon diff --git a/config/packages/security_chill.yaml b/config/packages/security_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28a52c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/security_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +security: + access_decision_manager: + strategy: unanimous + allow_if_all_abstain: false diff --git a/config/packages/sensio_framework_extra.yaml b/config/packages/sensio_framework_extra.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1821ccc --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/sensio_framework_extra.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +sensio_framework_extra: + router: + annotations: false diff --git a/config/packages/translation.yaml b/config/packages/translation.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3f8f9c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/translation.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +framework: + default_locale: en + translator: + default_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/translations' + fallbacks: + - en + providers: diff --git a/config/packages/translation_chill.yaml b/config/packages/translation_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0371ff --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/translation_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +framework: + default_locale: '%env(resolve:LOCALE)%' + translator: + fallbacks: [ '%env(resolve:LOCALE)%' ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/packages/twig.yaml b/config/packages/twig.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9f4cc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/twig.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +twig: + default_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/templates' + +when@test: + twig: + strict_variables: true diff --git a/config/packages/twig_chill.yaml b/config/packages/twig_chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15a3066 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/twig_chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +twig: + ## In Symfony 5, bootstrap_5 theme is supported. But not yet in sf4 !! + # see sf5 + # see sf4 + # + # While waiting for the upgrade, we get the form theme file + # (, + # put it in ChillMainBundle/Resources/views/Form/bootstrap5/ + # and adapt it lightly. + # + form_themes: ['@ChillMain/Form/bootstrap5/bootstrap_5_horizontal_layout.html.twig'] + +when@dev: + twig: + globals: + responsive_debug: false diff --git a/config/packages/validator.yaml b/config/packages/validator.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0201281 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/validator.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +framework: + validation: + email_validation_mode: html5 + + # Enables validator auto-mapping support. + # For instance, basic validation constraints will be inferred from Doctrine's metadata. + #auto_mapping: + # App\Entity\: [] + +when@test: + framework: + validation: + not_compromised_password: false diff --git a/config/packages/web_profiler.yaml b/config/packages/web_profiler.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17893da --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/web_profiler.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +when@dev: + web_profiler: + toolbar: true + intercept_redirects: false + + framework: + profiler: { only_exceptions: false } + +when@test: + web_profiler: + toolbar: false + intercept_redirects: false + + framework: + profiler: { collect: false } diff --git a/config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml b/config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c009ee --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +webpack_encore: + # The path where Encore is building the assets - i.e. Encore.setOutputPath() + output_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/build' + # If multiple builds are defined (as shown below), you can disable the default build: + # output_path: false + + # Set attributes that will be rendered on all script and link tags + script_attributes: + defer: true + # Uncomment (also under link_attributes) if using Turbo Drive + # + # 'data-turbo-track': reload + # link_attributes: + # Uncomment if using Turbo Drive + # 'data-turbo-track': reload + + # If using Encore.enableIntegrityHashes() and need the crossorigin attribute (default: false, or use 'anonymous' or 'use-credentials') + # crossorigin: 'anonymous' + + # Preload all rendered script and link tags automatically via the HTTP/2 Link header + # preload: true + + # Throw an exception if the entrypoints.json file is missing or an entry is missing from the data + # strict_mode: false + + # If you have multiple builds: + # builds: + # frontend: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/frontend/build' + + # pass the build name as the 3rd argument to the Twig functions + # {{ encore_entry_script_tags('entry1', null, 'frontend') }} + +framework: + assets: + json_manifest_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/build/manifest.json' + +#when@prod: +# webpack_encore: +# # Cache the entrypoints.json (rebuild Symfony's cache when entrypoints.json changes) +# # Available in version 1.2 +# cache: true + +#when@test: +# webpack_encore: +# strict_mode: false diff --git a/config/packages/workflow.yaml b/config/packages/workflow.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..855df59 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/packages/workflow.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +framework: + workflows: null diff --git a/config/routes/annotations.yaml b/config/routes/annotations.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e92efc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/routes/annotations.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +controllers: + resource: ../../src/Controller/ + type: annotation + +kernel: + resource: ../../src/Kernel.php + type: annotation diff --git a/config/routes/chill.yaml b/config/routes/chill.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5c6bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/routes/chill.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#load routes for chill bundles +chill_routes: + resource: . + type: chill_routes + +when@dev: + sass_assets: + path: /_dev/assets + controller: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\TemplateController + defaults: + template: '@ChillMain/Dev/dev.assets.html.twig' + sass_assets_test1: + path: /_dev/assets_test1 + controller: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\TemplateController + defaults: + template: '@ChillMain/Dev/dev.assets.test1.html.twig' + + sass_assets_test2: + path: /_dev/assets_test2 + controller: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\TemplateController + defaults: + template: '@ChillMain/Dev/dev.assets.test2.html.twig' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/routes/chill_wopi.yaml b/config/routes/chill_wopi.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b94e5d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/routes/chill_wopi.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +chill_wopi_bundle: + resource: '@ChillWopiBundle/Resources/config/routes/routes.php' + prefix: /chill/wopi diff --git a/config/routes/web_profiler.yaml b/config/routes/web_profiler.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d85319 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/routes/web_profiler.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +when@dev: + web_profiler_wdt: + resource: '@WebProfilerBundle/Resources/config/routing/wdt.xml' + prefix: /_wdt + + web_profiler_profiler: + resource: '@WebProfilerBundle/Resources/config/routing/profiler.xml' + prefix: /_profiler diff --git a/config/routes/wopi.yaml b/config/routes/wopi.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc576fa --- /dev/null +++ b/config/routes/wopi.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +wopi_bundle: + resource: '@WopiBundle/Resources/config/routes/routes.php' + prefix: /wopi diff --git a/migrations/.gitignore b/migrations/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26f5bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "workspaces": [ + "vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles" + ], + "private": true, + "devDependencies": { + "bootstrap": "5.2.3" + }, + "scripts": { + "specs-build": "yaml-merge vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/ChillMainBundle/chill.api.specs.yaml vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/ChillPersonBundle/chill.api.specs.yaml vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/ChillCalendarBundle/chill.api.specs.yaml vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/ChillThirdPartyBundle/chill.api.specs.yaml vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/ChillDocStoreBundle/chill.api.specs.yaml> templates/api/specs.yaml", + "specs-validate": "swagger-cli validate templates/api/specs.yaml", + "specs": "yarn run specs-build && yarn run specs-validate" + } +} diff --git a/src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php b/src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..987f6fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +persist($product); + + $manager->flush(); + } +} diff --git a/src/Entity/.gitignore b/src/Entity/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/src/Repository/.gitignore b/src/Repository/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/symfony.lock b/symfony.lock index bf7a2cb..9747113 100644 --- a/symfony.lock +++ b/symfony.lock @@ -1,4 +1,196 @@ { + "champs-libres/wopi-bundle": { + "version": "dev-master" + }, + "chill-project/chill-bundles": { + "version": "3.0", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "3.0", + "ref": "b8bfc2a355106205bfc235690053fdd96e055275" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/cache_chill.yaml", + "config/packages/chill.yaml", + "config/packages/chill_budget.yaml", + "config/packages/chill_calendar.yaml", + "config/packages/chill_doc_generator.yaml", + "config/packages/chill_doc_store.yaml", + "config/packages/doctrine_migrations_chill.yaml", + "config/packages/framework_chill.yaml", + "config/packages/mailer_chill.yaml", + "config/packages/routing_chill.yaml", + "config/packages/security_chill.yaml", + "config/packages/translation_chill.yaml", + "config/packages/twig_chill.yaml", + "config/routes/chill.yaml", + "config/routes/chill_wopi.yaml", + "config/routes/wopi.yaml", + "webpack.config.js.dist", + "package.json.dist", + ".nvmrc", + ".symfony.local.yaml", + "tsconfig.json", + "" + ] + }, + "doctrine/annotations": { + "version": "1.14", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "1.0", + "ref": "a2759dd6123694c8d901d0ec80006e044c2e6457" + }, + "files": [ + "config/routes/annotations.yaml" + ] + }, + "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": { + "version": "2.12", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "2.4", + "ref": "91690c0a440faba1a3676256bcca2b4aa9f55b72" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/doctrine.yaml", + "src/Entity/.gitignore", + "src/Repository/.gitignore" + ] + }, + "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": { + "version": "3.6", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "3.0", + "ref": "1f5514cfa15b947298df4d771e694e578d4c204d" + }, + "files": [ + "src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php" + ] + }, + "doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": { + "version": "3.3", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "3.1", + "ref": "1d01ec03c6ecbd67c3375c5478c9a423ae5d6a33" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml", + "migrations/.gitignore" + ] + }, + "knplabs/knp-menu-bundle": { + "version": "v3.4.2" + }, + "knplabs/knp-time-bundle": { + "version": "v1.20.0" + }, + "knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle": { + "version": "2.18", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "1.20", + "ref": "1ff300d8c030f55c99219cc55050b97a695af3f6" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml" + ] + }, + "lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle": { + "version": "2.21", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "2.5", + "ref": "e9481b233a11ef7e15fe055a2b21fd3ac1aa2bb7" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml" + ] + }, + "loophp/psr-http-message-bridge-bundle": { + "version": "1.0.0" + }, + "loophp/psr17": { + "version": "1.0", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "1.0", + "ref": "3eba84e2a18dbc40cc5b3516863fe5808c5aa10d" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/loophp_psr17.yaml" + ] + }, + "nelmio/alice": { + "version": "3.12", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "3.3", + "ref": "42b52d2065dc3fde27912d502c18ca1926e35ae2" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml" + ] + }, + "nyholm/psr7": { + "version": "1.8", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "1.0", + "ref": "4a8c0345442dcca1d8a2c65633dcf0285dd5a5a2" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/nyholm_psr7.yaml" + ] + }, + "odolbeau/phone-number-bundle": { + "version": "3.10", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "3.0", + "ref": "8aaba28c06547e50377dd9dce4104b9e384731a5" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/misd_phone_number.yaml" + ] + }, + "ramsey/uuid-doctrine": { + "version": "1.8", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "1.3", + "ref": "471aed0fbf5620b8d7f92b7a5ebbbf6c0945c27a" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/ramsey_uuid_doctrine.yaml" + ] + }, + "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": { + "version": "5.6", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "5.2", + "ref": "fb7e19da7f013d0d422fa9bce16f5c510e27609b" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/sensio_framework_extra.yaml" + ] + }, "symfony/console": { "version": "5.4", "recipe": { @@ -11,6 +203,18 @@ "bin/console" ] }, + "symfony/debug-bundle": { + "version": "5.4", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "5.3", + "ref": "5aa8aa48234c8eb6dbdd7b3cd5d791485d2cec4b" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/debug.yaml" + ] + }, "symfony/flex": { "version": "2.4", "recipe": { @@ -42,6 +246,42 @@ "src/Kernel.php" ] }, + "symfony/mailer": { + "version": "5.4", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "4.3", + "ref": "df66ee1f226c46f01e85c29c2f7acce0596ba35a" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/mailer.yaml" + ] + }, + "symfony/messenger": { + "version": "5.4", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "5.4", + "ref": "8bd5f27013fb1d7217191c548e340f0bdb11912c" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/messenger.yaml" + ] + }, + "symfony/monolog-bundle": { + "version": "3.10", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "3.7", + "ref": "aff23899c4440dd995907613c1dd709b6f59503f" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/monolog.yaml" + ] + }, "symfony/routing": { "version": "5.4", "recipe": { @@ -54,5 +294,102 @@ "config/packages/routing.yaml", "config/routes.yaml" ] + }, + "symfony/security-bundle": { + "version": "5.4", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "5.3", + "ref": "98f1f2b0d635908c2b40f3675da2d23b1a069d30" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/security.yaml" + ] + }, + "symfony/translation": { + "version": "5.4", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + "version": "5.3", + "ref": "e28e27f53663cc34f0be2837aba18e3a1bef8e7b" + }, + "files": [ + "config/packages/translation.yaml", + "translations/.gitignore" + ] + }, + "symfony/twig-bundle": { + "version": "5.4", + "recipe": { + "repo": "", + "branch": "main", + 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0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d922ab --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +{ + "extends": "@tsconfig/node14/tsconfig.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "lib": [ + "es2020", + "dom" + ], + "module": "es6", + "moduleResolution": "node", + "isolatedModules": true, + "allowJs": false, + "checkJs": false, + "importHelpers": true, + "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, + "types": [ + "node" + ], + "sourceMap": true + }, + "includes": [ + "./vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/**/*.ts", + "./vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/**/*.vue", + "./src/**/*.ts", + "./src/**/*.vue" + ], + "exclude": [ + "./vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/tests/*", + "./vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/docs/*" + ] +} diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ab0dda --- /dev/null +++ b/webpack.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +const Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore'); +const { resolve, parse } = require('path'); +const { readdir } = require('fs').promises; + +/** + * get the file names inside given directory recursively, limiting to + * a given depth in the recursion + * + * @param string dir the directory + * @param int depth the maximum depth to look into + */ +async function* getFiles(dir, depth, ignored) { + const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }); + for (const dirent of dirents) { + const res = resolve(dir,; + if (dirent.isDirectory()) { + if (depth > 0) { + yield* getFiles(res, depth - 1, ignored); + } + } else if (ignored.includes(res)) { + continue; + } else { + yield res; + } + } +}; + +/** + * populate the config of encore in directories inside `'./src'` and + * `'./vendor'` and letting them to alter the encore config. + * + * if a file `chill.webpack.config.js` is found, the default function is + * imported and executed. This function receive two arguments: + * + * - `Encore`, the main encore object + * - `chillEntries`: the entries which will be appended to the main `chill` module, + * resulting in a chill.js and chill.css file. + * + */ +async function populateConfig(Encore, chillEntries) { + // chill-main contains some bootstrap that must be loaded first. + // we register them first and, then, store this chill.webpack.config.js file + // into `toIgnore`, ignoring it when we loop on other folders. + let + toIgnore = []; + + // loop into chill main + for await (const f of getFiles('./vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle/ChillMainBundle/', 1, [])) { + let filename = parse(f).base; + if (filename === 'chill.webpack.config.js') { + configure = require(f); + configure(Encore, chillEntries); + toIgnore.push(f); + } + } + + // loop into other chill bundles + for await (const f of getFiles('./vendor/chill-project/chill-bundles/src/Bundle', 2, toIgnore)) { + let filename = parse(f).base; + if (filename === 'chill.webpack.config.js') { + configure = require(f); + configure(Encore, chillEntries); + } + } + + // loop into other vendors + for await (const f of getFiles('./vendor/', 3, toIgnore)) { + let filename = parse(f).base; + if (filename === 'chill.webpack.config.js') { + configure = require(f); + configure(Encore, chillEntries); + } + } + + // loop into src directory + for await (const f of getFiles('./src', 3, [])) { + let filename = parse(f).base; + if (filename === 'chill.webpack.config.js') { + configure = require(f); + configure(Encore, chillEntries); + } + } +}; + +// export the final configuration +module.exports = (async () => { + + // Manually configure the runtime environment if not already configured yet by the "encore" command. + // It's useful when you use tools that rely on webpack.config.js file. + if (!Encore.isRuntimeEnvironmentConfigured()) { + Encore.configureRuntimeEnvironment(process.env.NODE_ENV || 'dev'); + } + // basic encore configuration + Encore + .setOutputPath('public/build/') + .setPublicPath('/build') + .enableSassLoader() + .enableVueLoader(() => {}, { + version: 3 + }) + .enableTypeScriptLoader(function (tsConfig){ + tsConfig.appendTsSuffixTo = [/\.vue$/]; + tsConfig.appendTsxSuffixTo = [/\.vue$/]; + // temporary fix for and + tsConfig.compilerOptions = {strict: !Encore.isProduction()}; + tsConfig.silent = false; + }) + //.enableForkedTypeScriptTypesChecking() + .autoProvidejQuery() + .enableSourceMaps(!Encore.isProduction()) + .cleanupOutputBeforeBuild() + //.enableBuildNotifications() + .enableVersioning() + .enableSingleRuntimeChunk() + .splitEntryChunks() + // added when upgrading to symfony 5.4 + // enables and configure @babel/preset-env polyfills + //.configureBabelPresetEnv((config) => { + // config.useBuiltIns = 'usage'; + // config.corejs = '3.23'; + //}) + //.addLoader({ test: /\.pdf$/, loader: 'file-loader', options: { name: '[name]_[hash].[ext]', outputPath: 'pdf/' } }) + ; + + // populate config with chill entries + let chillEntries = []; + await populateConfig(Encore, chillEntries); + // configure Babel + // .configureBabel((config) => { + // config.plugins.push('@babel/a-babel-plugin'); + // }) + + + // enables Sass/SCSS support + //.enableSassLoader() + + // add swagger UI + if (!Encore.isProduction()) { + Encore + .addEntry('swagger', __dirname + '/assets/swagger-ui/index.js') + .addLoader({ + test: /\.yaml$/, + type: 'json', + use: [ + { loader: 'json-loader' }, + { loader: 'yaml-loader' } + ], + }); + } + + //getting the encore config and appending chill entries + config = Encore.getWebpackConfig(); + config.entry.chill = chillEntries; + + if (!Encore.isProduction()) { + console.log(config); + config.devtool = 'eval-source-map'; + } + + return config; +})(); diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4410ae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -0,0 +1,9493 @@ +# THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. +# yarn lockfile v1 + + +"@alexlafroscia/yaml-merge@^4.0.0": + version "4.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-Qh1pP7WKwSiooQXT8MmvSz+mxZySs09QQ0KNdg7oC2AwCaf3L1gyD2GUeNCoExlhAO4DqmozSovfZK7jIf4xIg== + dependencies: + glob "^7.1.7" + js-yaml "^4.0.0" + lodash "^4.17.20" + +"@ampproject/remapping@^2.2.0": + version "2.3.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-30iZtAPgz+LTIYoeivqYo853f02jBYSd5uGnGpkFV0M3xOt9aN73erkgYAmZU43x4VfqcnLxW9Kpg3R5LC4YYw== + dependencies: + "@jridgewell/gen-mapping" "^0.3.5" + "@jridgewell/trace-mapping" "^0.3.24" + +"@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser@9.0.6": + version "9.0.6" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-M3YgsLjI0lZxvrpeGVk9Ap032W6TPQkH6pRAZz81Ac3WUNF79VQooAFnp8umjvVzUmD93NkogxEwbSce7qMsUg== + dependencies: + "@jsdevtools/ono" "^7.1.3" + call-me-maybe "^1.0.1" + js-yaml "^3.13.1" + +"@apidevtools/openapi-schemas@^2.1.0": + version "2.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity 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pify "^4.0.1" + rimraf "^2.6.3" + +del@^5.0.0: + version "5.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-wH9xOVHnczo9jN2IW68BabcecVPxacIA3g/7z6vhSU/4stOKQzeCRK0yD0A24WiAAUJmmVpWqrERcTxnLo3AnA== + dependencies: + globby "^10.0.1" + graceful-fs "^4.2.2" + is-glob "^4.0.1" + is-path-cwd "^2.2.0" + is-path-inside "^3.0.1" + p-map "^3.0.0" + rimraf "^3.0.0" + slash "^3.0.0" + +delayed-stream@~1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-ZySD7Nf91aLB0RxL4KGrKHBXl7Eds1DAmEdcoVawXnLD7SDhpNgtuII2aAkg7a7QS41jxPSZ17p4VdGnMHk3MQ== + +delegates@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-bd2L678uiWATM6m5Z1VzNCErI3jiGzt6HGY8OVICs40JQq/HALfbyNJmp0UDakEY4pMMaN0Ly5om/B1VI/+xfQ== + +depd@2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-g7nH6P6dyDioJogAAGprGpCtVImJhpPk/roCzdb3fIh61/s/nPsfR6onyMwkCAR/OlC3yBC0lESvUoQEAssIrw== + +depd@~1.1.2: + version "1.1.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-7emPTl6Dpo6JRXOXjLRxck+FlLRX5847cLKEn00PLAgc3g2hTZZgr+e4c2v6QpSmLeFP3n5yUo7ft6avBK/5jQ== + +desandro-matches-selector@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-+1q0nXhdzg1IpIJdMKalUwvvskeKnYyEe3shPRwedNcWtnhEKT3ZxvFjzywHDeGcKViIxTCAoOYQWP1qD7VNyg== + +destroy@1.2.0: + version "1.2.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-2sJGJTaXIIaR1w4iJSNoN0hnMY7Gpc/n8D4qSCJw8QqFWXf7cuAgnEHxBpweaVcPevC2l3KpjYCx3NypQQgaJg== + +detect-libc@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-bwy0MGW55bG41VqxxypOsdSdGqLwXPI/focwgTYCFMbdUiBAxLg9CFzG08sz2aqzknwiX7Hkl0bQENjg8iLByw== + +detect-node@^2.0.4: + version "2.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-T0NIuQpnTvFDATNuHN5roPwSBG83rFsuO+MXXH9/3N1eFbn4wcPjttvjMLEPWJ0RGUYgQE7cGgS3tNxbqCGM7g== + +dir-glob@^3.0.1: + version "3.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-WkrWp9GR4KXfKGYzOLmTuGVi1UWFfws377n9cc55/tb6DuqyF6pcQ5AbiHEshaDpY9v6oaSr2XCDidGmMwdzIA== + dependencies: + path-type "^4.0.0" + +dns-packet@^5.2.2: + version "5.6.1" + 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sha512-z0yWI+4FDrrweS8Zmt4Ej5HdJmky15+L2e6Wgn3+iK5fWzb6T3fhNFq2+MeTRb064c6Wr4N/wv0DzQTjNzHNGQ== + +min-indent@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-I9jwMn07Sy/IwOj3zVkVik2JTvgpaykDZEigL6Rx6N9LbMywwUSMtxET+7lVoDLLd3O3IXwJwvuuns8UB/HeAg== + +mini-css-extract-plugin@^2.4.2, mini-css-extract-plugin@^2.6.0: + version "2.9.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-Zs1YsZVfemekSZG+44vBsYTLQORkPMwnlv+aehcxK/NLKC+EGhDB39/YePYYqx/sTk6NnYpuqikhSn7+JIevTA== + dependencies: + schema-utils "^4.0.0" + tapable "^2.2.1" + +minim@~0.23.8: + version "0.23.8" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-bjdr2xW1dBCMsMGGsUeqM4eFI60m94+szhxWys+B1ztIt6gWSfeGBdSVCIawezeHYLYn0j6zrsXdQS/JllBzww== + dependencies: + lodash "^4.15.0" + +minimalistic-assert@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-UtJcAD4yEaGtjPezWuO9wC4nwUnVH/8/Im3yEHQP4b67cXlD/Qr9hdITCU1xDbSEXg2XKNaP8jsReV7vQd00/A== + +minimatch@^3.0.4, minimatch@^3.1.1: + version "3.1.2" + resolved "" + integrity 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sha512-y10wOWt8yZpqXmOgRo77WaHEmhYQYGNA6y421PKsKYWEK8aW+cqAphborZDhqfyKrbZEN92CN1X2KbafY2s7Yw== + +node-sass@^8.0.0: + version "8.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-jPzqCF2/e6JXw6r3VxfIqYc8tKQdkj5Z/BDATYyG6FL6b/LuYBNFGFVhus0mthcWifHm/JzBpKAd+3eXsWeK/A== + dependencies: + async-foreach "^0.1.3" + chalk "^4.1.2" + cross-spawn "^7.0.3" + gaze "^1.0.0" + get-stdin "^4.0.1" + glob "^7.0.3" + lodash "^4.17.15" + make-fetch-happen "^10.0.4" + meow "^9.0.0" + nan "^2.17.0" + node-gyp "^8.4.1" + sass-graph "^4.0.1" + stdout-stream "^1.4.0" + "true-case-path" "^2.2.1" + +nopt@^5.0.0: + version "5.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-Tbj67rffqceeLpcRXrT7vKAN8CwfPeIBgM7E6iBkmKLV7bEMwpGgYLGv0jACUsECaa/vuxP0IjEont6umdMgtQ== + dependencies: + abbrev "1" + +normalize-package-data@^2.5.0: + version "2.5.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-/5CMN3T0R4XTj4DcGaexo+roZSdSFW/0AOOTROrjxzCG1wrWXEsGbRKevjlIL+ZDE4sZlJr5ED4YW0yqmkK+eA== + dependencies: + hosted-git-info "^2.1.4" + resolve "^1.10.0" + semver "2 || 3 || 4 || 5" + validate-npm-package-license "^3.0.1" + +normalize-package-data@^3.0.0: + version "3.0.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-p2W1sgqij3zMMyRC067Dg16bfzVH+w7hyegmpIvZ4JNjqtGOVAIvLmjBx3yP7YTe9vKJgkoNOPjwQGogDoMXFA== + dependencies: + hosted-git-info "^4.0.1" + is-core-module "^2.5.0" + semver "^7.3.4" + validate-npm-package-license "^3.0.1" + +normalize-path@^3.0.0, normalize-path@~3.0.0: + version "3.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-6eZs5Ls3WtCisHWp9S2GUy8dqkpGi4BVSz3GaqiE6ezub0512ESztXUwUB6C6IKbQkY2Pnb/mD4WYojCRwcwLA== + +normalize-url@^6.0.1: + version "6.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-DlL+XwOy3NxAQ8xuC0okPgK46iuVNAK01YN7RueYBqqFeGsBjV9XmCAzAdgt+667bCl5kPh9EqKKDwnaPG1I7A== + +npm-run-path@^4.0.1: + version "4.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-S48WzZW777zhNIrn7gxOlISNAqi9ZC/uQFnRdbeIHhZhCA6UqpkOT8T1G7BvfdgP4Er8gF4sUbaS0i7QvIfCWw== + dependencies: + path-key "^3.0.0" + +npmlog@^6.0.0: + version "6.0.2" + resolved "" + integrity 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